27. Letters

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A/N: This one...is gonna be angsty...I think...oh man. Italics are memories! I liked this request hope I didn't butcher it lmao.

Warnings: Language probably, as per usual

Was sending a letter cheesy? You thought to yourself as you sat in front of the notepad and pen on your desk.

Maybe it was. But you were always better at writing out your feelings, anyway. And you were leaving for college tomorrow, so you had to tell him. If you just let him go without him knowing that you were in love with him, you'd never forgive yourself. 

You held on to a tiny bit of hope that maybe Peter loved you too. 

Okay, that was a long shot, but you never felt like he didn't feel that way for you. He was always there for you, just like you were for him. You were the first person he told about Spider-Man. He was your biggest supporter when you had any family problems, and you were with him all the way when his uncle died.

You had known him for what felt like forever, since his parents died and he moved in with Ben and May only a few doors down from your apartment. He started going to your school and you two instantly became friends.

The crush on him had began when you first met him, nothing crazy or intense like it was now. You thought he was cute, a little dorky, but so were you. For a few years you got over it and only saw him as a friend, but suddenly in high school you saw him gazing at Liz and realized your feelings didn't disappear like you thought - you had just suppressed them.

For almost a year you watched Peter pine over Liz (I mean, who could really blame him) while you pretty much suffered in silence. You couldn't tell him how you felt, because it was obvious he liked Liz, and you didn't want to make things awkward between the two of you. 

You did almost tell him several times. The first being when he told you he was Spider-Man.

"Peter, you're sorta freaking me out here," you held your hands together in your lap tightly while Peter paced in front of you, his hands in his hair like he did when he was freaking out. You sat patiently on his bed, trying not to feel as nervous as he seemed to be.

"I know, but, I don't even know how to tell you this," he bit his lip, crossing his arms and finally stopping in front of you. "I don't want this to ruin our friendship, or make things weird."

Your eyes widened slightly. Was he about to tell you he liked you too? Even though the thought felt ridiculous, you couldn't help but feel a bit of hope that maybe, just maybe, he might be about to tell you he felt the same.

"You can tell me anything, Peter," you reached forward and took his hand, pulling him to sit next to you on his bed. "It's just me."

He stared into your eyes for a moment, making your brain short-circuit for a second. You raised an eyebrow, urging him to continue before you did something stupid, like kiss him. There wasn't very much space between you, and the tension was making you nervous. And you tended to do dumb things when you were anxious, such as perhaps kissing your best friend in hopes that he had feelings for you. Which was silly, but you had imagined a few times how his lips might feel against yours-

"I'm Spider-Man," he blurted, pulling you out of your stupid daydream. For a minute your heart dropped, him not saying the words you were dying to hear. Then you registered what he really said.

"You're what?" You demanded, noticing him flinch slightly at your tone.

"I know, I know, please don't kill me," he mumbled, avoiding your gaze while you rolled your eyes. The poor boy was afraid of you when you got angry.

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