67. Begin Again - Part Five

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a/n: I'm sorry it's been so long since I updated. the good news is that I should have plenty of time during spring break to write more, so the wait shouldn't be too long for part six (hopefully) don't hate me for what's coming :)

and omg...yall gave me one million reads...I'm shook ily all

reminder: I'm NOT currently taking requests!

warnings: language, death mentions/allusions, some anxiety, fluff, and uh...

It wasn't hard to connect the dots.

You had always guessed Spider-Man was a younger guy. Maybe you didn't think he was this young (Peter being Spider-Man meant he must have become the hero when he was fifteen, which shocked you a bit), but you still assumed. 

And it just made sense - Peter had always been a bit of a moody, closed off guy. Spider-Man had been gone for a year, and maybe that had something to do with it. But when he opened up and joked around, it wasn't hard to picture him at the witty, sarcastic hero that made fun of criminals while he fought them. 

He acted interested when you had said you liked Spider-Man. You weren't dumb, you remember how he turned red when you mentioned it the first day you met him - and it wasn't just because you complimented his pictures. Now that Spider-Man was back, he was dodgy and weird about the topic, and often he was busier than normal.

It also made so much sense now how he got such good photos of the hero. He probably put the camera somewhere and posed for them.

And even if you hadn't put all those dots together, you knew by now what his voice sounded like. The second he opened his mouth to joke at those drug dealers, and the rest of the words he spoke after, you recognized his voice - it was definitely him. 

You didn't really know what to do with that information. Obviously you weren't going to tell anyone, you weren't like that at all, but it still had you a little embarrassed. You had basically told Spider-Man himself you were a big fan and had a patch of him on your backpack and took pictures of him - and you didn't even know you were telling him.

As much as you wanted to chew him out for that, you also didn't want to tell Peter that you knew. The last thing you wanted was for him to pull away from you - he was one of your closest friends and, if you were being honest, someone you were starting to fall for. If he knew that you knew he was Spider-Man, you worried it would scare him off. 

You really didn't want that to happen.

So that's why you decided to keep your mouth shut and pretend to be oblivious about it. You put your broken camera on your shelf once you got inside your dorm and frowned at the thought that you would need to get a new one ASAP, but you also knew you kinda deserved it for being stupid and almost getting yourself shot.

With a sigh, you shot Peter a text asking if you could swing by before your class tomorrow (maybe writing the "swing" part as a little joke for yourself).

Peter didn't reply and you assumed it was because he was probably out still, going around New York as Spider-Man. It made so much more sense now about why he was suddenly bad at replying to texts and skipping study sessions and all of that.

At least his reasoning was valid.

The next day you woke up to a text from him that told you that you could come whenever, so with a grin you grabbed your things, including your broken camera, and walked to his apartment.

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