98. Fine Line - Part Four

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a/n: so glad you guys are liking this story, it seriously makes my day when I see your comments! hope you are all doing well (I currently am sick but luckily it's just a cold). got a couple of midterms this week and next so updates might be scarce but I will try to get some out :)

this chapter is kind of just one lengthy fighting scene that I'm horrible at writing but uh definitely read it all ;)

warnings: language, some more fighting, I have no idea how power outages work, and um. I'm so sorry 😳

requests are open!

"You guys are always so busy," Ned complained, "How have you not finished yet?"

"I have to babysit for my neighbor a lot, and the kid needs constant attention," you lied, though you felt bad as the words came out of your mouth. You hated lying to Ned so much, but you couldn't tell him you were Medusa, and you were spending way too much time patrolling with Spider-Man. "But I promise I'll work on it tonight."

"And I have the internship," Peter tapped his pencil against the table, "Mrs. Potts needs me there."

Other than using his Stark Industries internship as an excuse to get out of things, you never heard him talk about what he actually did there. Unfortunately, you didn't doubt him about it - as far as you could tell he definitely did work at Stark Industries, especially with all the proof he had, like pictures with Tony Stark before he died, and excuse notes signed by Pepper Potts.

"Okay, well we should try to meet up this weekend to finish it. What about Sunday?" You asked, knowing that Saturday would be busy for you. Plus, you couldn't miss your plans with Spider-Man - that would be a dick move. And if you were being honest, you didn't want to miss them. Especially not when the alternative was doing school work with Peter of all people.

"I can't Sunday, my mom has the whole day booked for a family thing," Ned shrugged, "Saturday?"

"I can't," you said stiffly, "I...have plans."

"Sure you do," Peter rolled his eyes, "But I can't either, I have the internship."

"Why don't just you guys meet up Sunday and finish it together then?"

"Absolutely not," you and Peter both said at the same time, making you glare at each other.

"I've already finished my part," Ned sighed, "You guys still have the most left to do because you're always so busy. I know you have a problem with each other but can't you just put it aside for this?"

"No," you answered flatly, "We can just do our parts separately and figure it out on Monday morning."

"It's due on Monday, genius," Peter replied, "We'd barely have time to wrap it up."

"Fine, then what do you suggest since you apparently know everything?"

"Like Ned said, maybe we should just suck it up and work on it Sunday. I'm sure you have nothing better to do."

"I can think of a million things better to do-"

"That's it, I'm making the executive decision since I am in charge of this project," Ned interrupted you, "You're both meeting on Sunday here to figure it out. On Monday morning we can practice the presentation, and we'll be set. Got it?"

Seeing Ned take initiative like this was kind of funny, but you knew he was right. A couple hours with Peter was something you should be able to handle. Maybe you could figure out a way to freeze his mouth shut if he got too annoying.

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