83. Far From Love - Part Three

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a/n: I swear I'm not dead lmao

warnings: angst, fluff???, language (no one is surprised), reader continues drinking dumb bitch juice and peter digs himself into an even deeper hole. no one is surprised

"Um, hi."

The look on your face must've been rather comedic, because Peter cracked a little half-smile at your reaction. 

"Hi?" It came out as a question, and you kind of intended it that way - why was Peter Parker of all people standing in front of your lunch table? MJ wasn't sitting with you today, so it couldn't be that. You didn't have a decathlon meeting, so it definitely wasn't that either.

"Can we talk?" He sat down across from you before you answered, maybe thinking that you would have shut him down.

"About what?" You sounded suspicious, and you were sure he could tell. You could only think of a few of reasons for why Peter would want to talk to you again after months of silence, and you really hoped it wasn't about MJ. You might seriously die if he asked about MJ.

"My aunt got a call from your mom," he started, and you felt your heart drop a little. "Asking if you were at our house yesterday? And May and her were talking and apparently your mom was under the impression that you've been at our place, like, a lot the last few weeks."

You must have seemed speechless (which honestly, you were - but you should've known your mom would've called your bluff) because Peter just kept talking.

"Anyway, then May asked me if that was true since she's usually at work, but I wasn't sure why you'd be lying to your mom about being at our place so I just said that it was."

"Oh my God, I am so sorry," you dragged your hands down your face. "I can't believe she called your house. Actually, yes I can. God, I am so sorry. I was stupid and needed an excuse that she would believe and that was the first thing I could think to say that would get her off my back and I just. I guess I didn't think she'd actually call your aunt."

"Y/N..." he bit his lip, glancing back to where Ned was sitting. You pretended not to notice Ned quickly look down. "I don't mind covering for you, if you want me to keep it up."

"Seriously? No questions asked?" You seemed baffled, and he chuckled a little. You pretended it didn't hurt to hear his laughter again. Or his face when his eyes scrunched up when he was smiling, or how he nervously tapped his fingers on the side of his lunch tray, or his eyebrow hairs going the wrong way like they always had-

Okay. Moving on.

"It's your business, not mine," he shrugged, "I just figured I should ask if I needed to make stuff up. Besides, I'm out a lot too, and I'm running out of excuses for May..."

"Peter, that's-that would mean so much, she's been on my ass about it lately, seriously, thank you."

"No problem," he gave you a tight smile, and your relieved mood faded a little when the situation finally hit you. 

You suddenly felt a little annoyed. He knew it was believable that you two were hanging out again, he was willing to go to the trouble of lying to his aunt and lying for you to your mom, but he still didn't want to actually hang out with you.

This was the first conversation you'd had with him since that night. It didn't seem to hit you until now, when he gave you that same forced smile he had right before he went out your window and never came back.

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