97. Fine Line - Part Three

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a/n: so so excited to start looking at the requests you guys have started sending in! just to be clear, I won't start opening them until I've wrapped up this series. also, check out the first chapter of this book (titled author's note) to see the guidelines for requesting!

hope you are all doing well :) this series is going to be a little longer than I planned lol

warnings: language, more arguing and fighting, bad flirting and jokes, more dramatic irony than ever (though last chapter was pretty bad, ngl)

requests are open

"If we catch this guy tonight, will you finally go out with me?"

"This is so not the time," you huffed, ducking another flying trash bin. Spider-Man scoffed, also ducking when Swarm decided to chuck something else at you both - this time an entire lamp post. He was really getting creative.

"Might be the only time," his masked eye winked at you, and you sighed.

"I'm so tired of fighting this guy. Fine, if we finally catch him, we can go on one date," you didn't really sound that upset about it. "But with our suits on and no funny business."

"Well, that'll just make the victory sweeter," his mask shifted in a grin, before his eyes widened and he tackled you just in time to save you from another flying object. 

"You're distracting me," you pushed him off you, "I think I'm ready for another freeze. Shall I?"

"Please do."

But Swarm must have heard that, because he burst apart again. He barely stayed in his main form for even a few seconds. He didn't stay to play around with you two this time - all the bees flew upwards towards the sky and zoomed away in different directions.

"For fuck's sake," you groaned as you stood up, your body already sore from the few stings you got. "We're never going to find him now."

"Actually," Spider-Man tapped his chest, and you realized the spider emblem he had was gone. "I got a tracker on one of the bees. We'll be able to locate him, but we should have a plan first."

"Nice one," you gave him a fist bump. "Any ideas?"

"Well, you're the smarty pants here. I figured I'd ask you."

"If it's a hive..." you trailed off, "There has to be a queen, right? So maybe if we can destabilize the queen, the whole hive will go down."

"He is made up of a lot of bees, though," Spider-Man pondered, rubbing his chin, "It would take a lot of effort to locate the queen."

"Well, the problem is him separating himself into a bunch of bees before I can freeze him, right? But there are times when he's a whole being - that should be a lot easier to do. We just have to catch him by surprise."

"We've tried that before, though," he sighed, "Any other ideas? How can we destabilize him if we do get you to freeze him long enough?"

You frowned, tapping your foot. "I think I've got an idea."


"You know, as much as I love your ideas, I don't know how good this one will be," Spider-Man whispered in your ear. 

"I don't have any better ones," you whispered back, and he shook his head.

You were both crouched on the roof of one of the tech companies that Swarm was probably stealing from at that very second. Spider-Man's little tracker had led you right to him, and you were surprised neither of you thought to use that before.

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