90. All These Years - Part One

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a/n: yet another request from many many months ago. hope you all enjoy :) and happy new year!

this was meant to be one part, but all of a sudden I realized I was at 15k words and figured it would be better split it into parts anyway! the good news is that I have it all written, so there won't be too much time in between each part getting posted, and I promise to update it regularly :) this will probably end up being 4-5 parts depending on where I end up splitting the chapter. remember, this is a peter x reader fic - just keep that in mind ;)

this is another college peter x college reader, so hope you guys enjoy!

warnings: some angst, some language, I think some mentions of drinking, mentions only of sex but like not a lot, reader is bi because I say so, and that's it for now! a brief introduction of one of our other favorite spider guys, too ;)

reminder: requests are still closed indefinitely

"Why the hell are you two not still dating?"

Your fingers froze at that statement, and you felt Peter tense. You supposed you walked right into that question, the way your fingers were tangled in Peter's hair while he had his head in your lap, trying to get rid of a headache. 

In your head, you didn't think that was anything weird. MJ would do the same for you anytime you had a headache, so what was the big deal? The way almost all of your friends were trying not to grin at the awkward silence told you they were all about to get on you and Peter not dating, again.

It was a common occurrence. 

"Come on Betty, we were so young and stupid in high school," you chuckled it off, shooting her a warning look that you were sure Peter wouldn't see from his angle. "We don't need to have this conversation again."

"Sure," Ned covered his comment with a cough, but that seemed to be enough for Peter. He gently moved your hands from his hair and sat up, and you tried not to feel hurt by that.

"Let's talk about you and Betty, then," Peter threw out, and the entire group erupted into chaos, as he likely planned.

It was easy to laugh with them now that they turned the conversation to Ned and Betty, who's breakup was much more recent and much more funny - not to mention they had been on and off way too much the last few years. 

MJ, Betty, Ned, Peter, and you - you guys were friends from high school until now, Betty joining you all later on, but never leaving. It was hard now that you were all in college to hang out, with Betty and Ned at MIT, MJ at Harvard, and you and Peter at Columbia. However, without fail, almost every time you all hung out, The Topic of you and Peter was brought up.

You hated The Topic.

It certainly wasn't a secret that you and Peter dated, for over two years, in high school. Of course, you were only around fourteen when you started dating, and looking back on it now - that was so young. You were all starting your junior year of college now, and that time period felt so long ago.

You and Peter had a good break-up, or as good as one could be. Both of you were stressed out high school juniors, struggling with college preparations, not to mention Peter feeling like the weight of the world was on his shoulders from being Spider-Man.

After the Snap, the disastrous Europe trip, and several instances of patching Peter up after a really rough night - you couldn't take it anymore. You never felt so selfish when you told Peter that, and you hated yourself for not trying harder, but he agreed that it was for the best. You started with a break.

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