11. Ex-Friends - Part Two

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A/N: Here's Part Two :D There is only one more after this! Also, I apologize for these angsty fics lately, not sure why that's been my mood lately. After this maybe I'll write a fluffier one, ha.

Warnings: Lannnnguaaaage

It went on for a few days. You would sit at lunch and feel eyes on the back of your head, and when you turn around Peter would be staring, a slightly hurt expression on his face before he quickly looked away.

How dare he make it seem like you were the one that hurt him

"Have you talked to him?" Your friend asked as you turned back for probably the tenth time that week after catching Peter staring. "Why is he acting so weird?"

"I have no idea," you snapped, "He tried talking to me the first time you saw him looking, but I blew him off."

"Smart," she replied, pointing her fork at you, "You did the right thing. He was an ass for what he did to you, and doesn't deserve the chance to explain."

You nodded, though it still made you uneasy. Maybe you should have let him explain. But you knew you were only thinking that because of all the looks he was giving you. So you decided to put an end to it.

Not wanting to approach him, knowing it would only end in tears, you decided to find Ned. That was the next best option, and hopefully it would stop so you could, once again, move on.

You saw him walking out of his sixth, heading for the lockers to probably meet with Peter. Taking a deep breath, you caught up with him, calling out his name so he'd stop.

"Oh, hey Y/N," he smiled at you, slightly shocked that you were talking to him. You guys hadn't exactly been friends, but he was always nice and a good partner for projects in previous times.

"Look," you sighed, "Can you tell Peter something for me?"

He frowned, "Uh, sure?"

"Just-just tell him to stop, okay?"

"Stop what?" He questioned, looking slightly nervous, like he knew something you didn't.

"Stop all the staring!" you exclaimed, throwing your arms up, "It's getting on my nerves, and I don't want to talk to him about it, but you two are best friends so can you please just tell him to knock it off?"

"Oh," he looked relieved, like he might've been expecting you to say something else. "Sure, Y/N. He just misses you, I think."

You almost flinched, "Well, that's unlikely. Just let him know, okay? Thanks Ned."

"No prob," he watched you turn and walk away, and you hoped what you told him to do would work. You were annoyed that you didn't have the balls to approach him yourself, but at least you did something.

You managed to convince yourself of that as you headed home.

You passed by Delmar's, almost wincing when you saw a familiar brown-haired boy ordering food. You and Peter used to go here every day after school, so much so that the owner started thinking you two had been dating.

Once the friendship ended, though, so did the trips there. You couldn't bear to hear Mr. Delmar ask you again where Peter was, when you didn't have an answer. Apparently he still came here, just not with you. 

Before Peter could come out and see you, you turned and continued walking to your apartment, tears spilling out of your eyes.

"Get a grip, Y/N," you muttered to yourself, angrily wiping them away. You were annoyed that it still affected you in the little things, when you thought previously that you had actually moved on. 

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