25. Delmar's - Part One

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A/N: Idk how I feel about this one but? I've been planning it for a while since I got the request so hope you guys like! I don't usually like writing daughter!reader fics cause then it limits what the reader looks like and we're all different, so just pretend you're adopted if this doesn't match who you are! I also wrote this and it was like 5k+ words so I had to make it two parts...rip.

Again, I apologize for not posting as often, I just moved into my dorm and I have orientation and a bunch of things to do so sadly my writing time is limited.

Warnings: Angst, Language

"Hey, I didn't know you were working today!" You heard a familiar voice say as they entered Delmar's. You turned and grinned, seeing your best friend's smiling face.

"I switched schedules with my brother, apparently he's got a date tonight," you leaned against the counter, "Usual?"

"Yes ma'am," Peter gave you a thumbs up, making you laugh as you went to start making his sandwich. 

"We still on for tonight, then?" You asked, glancing over your shoulder to see his expression. You already knew what to expect - his eyebrows would furrow, he'd get a small frown on his lips, and he'd get a guilty look in his eyes. You'd gotten used to what you now called The Face.

Sure enough, he gave you that expression, making you sigh and turn back to wrapping the sandwich up.

"It's fine, Peter. We can do movie night maybe tomorrow instead," you tried to sound upbeat about it, even though this was one of several times he had done this. "I can text Ned about it, in case you forget."

"I'm sorry, Y/N," he mumbled as you turned back to the counter, handing him his sandwich. 

You gave him a look, "You do remember that you're fifteen, right? It's okay to take a break sometimes, I'm sure Stark can respect it if you need to cut down some hours."

"Looks who's talking," he gestured to you, making you roll your eyes.

"You know this is different, I only work a few hours every other day, you're busy from school until almost ten seven days a week!" You took the cash from him, getting a receipt. "I mean seriously, Peter, what does he even have you do?"

"Uh, you know, internship...stuff," he trailed off, glancing out the window, "Um, I gotta go, don't wanna be late! Thanks for the sandwich!"

He gave you a wave while you threw your arms up, shaking your head as he practically ran out of the shop, not even taking the receipt with him.

"Who was that?" Your dad, also the shop owner, came around the corner, giving you a strange look. "And why'd they run out like they're running from the devil?"

You laughed, "It was Peter, Dad. And he's got that internship."

"Ah, Mr. Parker," your dad gave you a look, making you clear your throat and avoid his gaze. "You talked to him yet?"

"No," you said in a whiny tone, making him laugh, "He's busy all the time, I'm lucky I even saw him for a minute today."

"Well," he shrugged, giving you another look that made you roll your eyes, "I don't think he comes here just for the sandwiches, mija."

You slapped his arm, making him laugh again as he headed back into the back of the store again. "Hey, I forgot, but Manny called out sick. Think you can work a bit more tonight? You'll get overtime."

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