84. Far From Love - Part Four

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a/n: last chapter was boring as hell to me but this one is going to be like the polar opposite. far from home stuff is happening so buckle up! and please don't hate me :)

warnings: ANGST I'm so sorry, language, some brief blood/wound mentions, fluff for maybe two seconds? I'm very mean, also I know it's probably not necessary to say BUT there are spoilers for far from home from now on throughout the rest of the series

italics indicate flashback scene and/or thoughts


You knocked your knuckles against his bedroom door, not hearing anything on the other side. With a frown, you tapped your fingers again in the same knock you two had always used when at each other's doors, to know who was on the other side.

"Pete," you tried again, knowing he was there despite not hearing an answer. "May's worried about you. So am I. Can you open up?"


With a sigh, you crouched down and sat with your side against the door, resting your head against it. "I can sit here all day, you know. You did the same thing when my dad...you know I'm not going to give up, right? You didn't with me."

This time you heard something on the other side of the door, now that your ear was pressed against it - a sniffle. You tried not to tear up as you kept talking.

"May said you aren't talking to her," you continued, "You haven't talked to us either, but-but she needs you, Peter. We all need you. I know this is the worst possible thing, but you can't get through it until you try. And you just aren't trying."

"And I get it, trust me I do," you sighed, turning so your back was against the door, "I don't want to push you until you're ready, but I want my best friend back. I want to help you, like you always helped me. Please?"

It was silent on the other side again, but then you heard light footsteps, making you perk up a little. You scrambled up as the lock clicked, not really believing that he was actually going to come to the door.

Finally the door cracked open, and your heart broke upon seeing your best friend tearing up, bags under his eyes that showed how bad it really was. "Oh, Pete."

He crushed you in a hug, the first one you felt from him in weeks. You noticed he was hugging you tighter than normal, and you figured it was just because of how hurt he was, so you threw your arms around him and hugged him back.

"Hey, hey," you tried to calm him down when you felt him shaking a little, probably trying not to cry anymore. One thing you loved about Peter was how he never tried to hide his emotions, even though it hurt to see him so upset. "It's okay."

"It's my fault," he choked out, and you pulled away immediately so you could look him in his red-rimmed eyes.

"Never say that," you said firmly, taking his face in your hands when he tried to shake his head. "I'm serious, Peter. You can't put this on yourself, ever. Do you understand?"

He didn't say anything, but he also didn't protest anymore, so you just pulling him back into a hug. 

You missed Ben too. It wasn't the same to come over the the Parker's and not see his cheery smile when he opened the door to let you in. Or when he would drop a teasing remark that you and Peter were dating and both your cheeks would burn up as you would both deny it. You missed seeing him with his arm around May on the couch while you and Peter did something menial like homework on the living room floor.

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