7. Secrets - Part Two

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A/N: Hope you guys liked the first part! Just so you know, Y/N's powers are based on speedsters from the flash universe, if you wanted an idea of what they looked like. Also, there might be more like four parts in this, not three.

Warnings: Language I think? Break-Up

You got back that night. As ridiculous as it sounded, running across water was no big deal, and you didn't get very tired. You were too fast for anyone to see, anyway.

Luckily you had made an excuse before you left. You told everyone that you went on a weekend trip to visit friends in your old hometown. Your parents trusted you and wouldn't ask around to make sure you were actually there, so you were fine.

Peter was the only problem. He wasn't a very good liar himself, but he could usually tell when you were telling a fib, even though you could lie pretty well to other people if you had to.

You pushed any thoughts of him away, because coincidentally he was on a trip too for his new Stark internship. Chuckling as you made your way up the fire escape to your room, wondering what Peter was doing while his new mentor had been fighting Captain America. 

Knowing Tony Stark, he probably wasn't working with Peter directly, anyway. It was more likely that your boyfriend was interning with some lower-level scientists, which would have been disappointing since he seemed convinced he would work with Stark himself.

Lucky for you, you parents were still at work, so you had time to clean up and grab a suitcase and act like you just returned from your trip. 

Wincing as you climbed in the window, you remembered the bruise now covering your abdomen. 

"Stupid cat," you muttered, internally cursing T'Challa as you peeled off the suit, stuffing it under your bed and tossing the mask under after it. "At least I heal fast."

For the next couple hours you showered, got dressed in more believable clothes and even put on make-up just for the hell of it. You also grabbed the suitcase you hid, just to finish the look of "I just got back from a two-day trip to see my friends!"

When your parents came home, they didn't suspect a thing, just glad you were back. You told them some made-up stories about your trip, and they ate it up. Luckily they were tired from work and went to bed early, so you didn't have to keep up the facade.

Once you were sure they were asleep, you went back into the room and pulled out your suit, sitting on the bed and staring at it. You brushed your fingers over the blue mask, smiling slightly. You really missed fighting crime.

Spider-Man was probably still in Germany, you thought to yourself, glancing out the window. What would one night hurt?

You were ecstatic. After taking down two muggers and even stopping a shooting at a store, you remembered how much you loved helping people. 

It made you sad to think that you'd have to stop after tonight, probably. With Spider-Man coming back sometime soon, you'd have to be under the radar to ensure no one came after you. 

Currently you were sitting on the ledge of a rooftop, watching for anything out of the ordinary. You still wore the mask, even though no one would be up here. 

Shutting your eyes, you smiled, relishing in the moment before it had to end. You wouldn't do this tomorrow. You had homework, and hopefully Peter would be back by then so you could see him and hear about his internship.

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