46. Revelations - Part Five

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a/n: I'm sorry I left you guys with cliffhangers on the last two chapters lol. no promises that I won't do it again in the future though :)

annnnnd I saw infinity war and once again I will ask for no spoilers for those who haven't seen it yet BUT it was really good and I'm pretty amazed. tom holland is such a good actor ugh

reminder that requests are closed! I won't start writing any imagines based on the movie until probably a month after it came out, just so I ensure everyone has seen it! I already have a few things in mind...especially in regards to that one scene. those who have seen it know what I'm talking about ;) 

please read my last update, it's importante!

warnings: angsty a bit, language

You came to with a dull ache in your head, your body feeling weaker than usual. Sadly, you remembered you weren't waking up from a peaceful nap – the last thing you remembered was Spidey yelling your superhero name and something hitting you hard on the head, so hard that everything went black.

With a groan, you went to sit up but you felt two hands hold your shoulders down, making you blink your eyes open.

"Careful," a voice whispered, "If you get up too fast you might be sick. You definitely had a concussion."

You squinted at Spider-Man's mask above you, frowning in confusion. It made sense he was here, but why was he upside down? And why could you see him so easily, shouldn't your mask be making everything tinted?

With a start, you realized he looked upside down because you were laying your head in his lap, while he was cleaning your head wound. Which meant you weren't wearing your mask, and he could see your face.

"Oh, fuck," you croaked, your voice sounding awful. That was the last thing on your mind, however, as you felt Spider-Man move a bit of hair out of your face. Your face, which he could very clearly see. Oh God.

He let out a nervous chuckle at your curse, "I'm really sorry about this. I wouldn't have taken off your mask if I had another choice, but-but I couldn't see your wound and I was afraid-"

His voice caught and he didn't finish. You knew he was afraid you were probably more fatally hurt. And while you were thankful for him taking care of you like this, you couldn't help but feel so bare and exposed without your mask. You knew you could trust Spidey with your life, he had proven that time and time again, but him seeing what you really looked like made you nervous. No one knew who you were, not even your best friends. While Spidey was still a stranger to you, him knowing what you looked like... it made you anxious.

"It's okay," you said quietly, shutting your eyes again and accepting it, knowing you couldn't change what happened. "Thank you for this."

"You'd do the same for me," he replied easily, both of you knowing it was true. He was speaking oddly now, which made you more worried. It must just be because he saw your identity, and now it was strange – you had to admit it would be weird for you knowing what he looked like under the mask. It made things more real.

"I don't think this needs stitches," he broke the silence, "It looked worse before but after cleaning it up I think it should heal fine."

He helped you sit up, while you blinked away the dizziness a bit and thanked him again. His mask shifted into what you assumed was a smile.

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