40. Perfect

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A/N: so I always said I'd do a one-shot based on Ed Sheeran's "Perfect", even though everyone else is doing it also lmao, I've had this idea in my head for a while and now seemed like the perfect time to post it (that was an unintentional pun asldjakls). also I know it's not new years eve anymore but I meant to post this earlier and completely forgot, hope you enjoy it anyway!

Warnings: possibly one of the cutest imagines I've ever written, perhaps some language, talks of the future (if that stresses anyone else out cause it sure as heck stresses me out lmao)

Typically on New Years Eve in New York, most people were out partying or standing in freezing Times Square, or at least having a group of friends over to watch the ball drop on television. But you and Peter weren't "most people". 

Both of you had decided to hang out just the two of you, and had just finished a movie. Since the apartment heater was broken you were as close as possible under thick blankets to get some kind of warmth in the freezing room. If you hadn't been waiting purposefully for midnight to come, you would have passed out from how comfortable you were with Peter's arms around you while you both laid on the couch. 

"I'm gonna fall asleep if you keep doing that," Peter grumbled, and you smirked slightly while you continued to run your hands through his soft hair. 

"I can stop," you suggested in a teasing tone, knowing he would protest if you did. 

"Well I know you want to stay up till the new year, so if you want me to stay awake..." he trailed off, sighing heavily through his nose, cracking an eye open to look at you. "Right?"

"Yep," you took your hand from his hair, ignoring his pouty face while you sat up a bit, "Any suggestions to keep us awake?"

"We still have leftover candy canes from Christmas," Peter wiggled his eyebrows at you, making you roll your eyes. "I think some peppermint hot chocolate is in order."

You shrugged, "Sounds good to me, but you can't make it."

"Why not?" he whined while you moved the blanket and stood up, immediately feeling cold when not snuggled up next to him.

"You always manage to ruin it somehow," you said teasingly while he followed you into the kitchen, "Which makes no sense since hot chocolate is literally the easiest drink to make."

"Well, I can make pretty good pancakes, which I think is just fine."

You laughed, "Whatever you say, Parker."

It got comfortably silent while you gathered a few things to make the drinks for the both of you, and he noticed you eyeing the clock a few times but didn't say anything. When you set the drinks on the counter he pressed a quick kiss to your mouth, thanking you for making it while you grinned and pinched his cheeks in the annoying way you knew he hated. 

"Stop that," he protested, swatting your hands away while you laughed, "It reminds me of something a grandma would do and no offense Y/N, but I don't want to picture you as my grandma."

You swatted his arm this time, "Shut up, Peter, or I'm taking away your drink."

"Oh no, not my drink," he said in an exaggerated dramatic tone while you sat next to him on a stool and rolled your eyes after grabbing a can of whipped cream. You took a quick glance at the clock above the stove, pleased it wasn't quite midnight yet, so you had time to drink these first.

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