103. Fine Line - Alternative Part Four

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a/n: here are the alternative endings! this is going to be starting from about mid-way through part four of fine line - much of the beginning is exactly the same, but it is going to be different in that y/n will find out spider-man's identity first. so definitely read the whole thing! hope you guys enjoy :) this was the original plan but I kind of liked the route with peter finding out first, but definitely interested in seeing what you guys think of this alternate reveal too! I don't know how many parts this will be but we'll see!

warnings: language, fighting, oh the pain

requests are open - see first chapter for guidelines

You and Spider-Man dropped right into Swarm's hideout, some abandoned warehouse in Hell's Kitchen. It was a lot to take in - all the tech he had managed to steal over the last few weeks using Swarm was definitely being put to use.

"Well, this looks like a lab accident waiting to happen," Spider-Man noted, making the man working at one of the tables jump in surprise.

"You'd know all about that, huh?" You asked, and you imagined he was giving you a dirty look when his eyes squinted at you. You remembered him telling you exactly how he got his powers.

"Seriously dude, no gloves? Medusa, can you believe this, he doesn't even know proper lab etiquette."

The man was still staring at you both in shock, and you were wondering why Spider-Man was taking his time.

"How did you both find me?" He asked carefully, and you noticed he was reaching a hand under his table.

You jumped on Spider-Man just in time - the guy whipped out a gun and started shooting. Spider-Man used the momentum to twist you around and shoot a web at one of the tall stacks of boxes, bringing it down on top of where the man was standing. He took your hand and pulled you with him.

"You got Spidey senses now? How'd you know he had a gun?" Spider-Man asked as you both ran to the other side of the lab.

"No, I just pay attention before cracking jokes," you snapped back, ignoring his laugh.

"Aw, you love my jokes, though."

You both shut up when you heard a familiar buzzing sound, exchanging looks. "Not this again."

"He was probably planning on a whole Swarm army," he complained. You both ducked behind more boxes, peeking around the side to see if the man was following, but you were met with the sight of those stupid electronic bees that you couldn't seem to get rid of.

"Do your electric webs have the ability to shut down the electricity of this whole place, do you think? He's controlling them electronically, I bet that would kill the bee's powers," You asked quietly as you both watched the bees flying around, probably looking for you.

"If I can access the electric room, sure," he whispered back. "Problem is there are about a thousand bees and a crazy man with a gun shooting at two teenagers."

You tapped the spider on his chest, "Use this little guy as a distraction. The bees will follow that and I'll go find the gun guy."

"Like hell you will," he choked out, and you patted his arm.

"I'll be fine. He can't shoot a gun if he's frozen," you winked and got up before he could protest. "You better get going, bug boy."

"I am not a bug-"

You were already around the corner and hurrying to keep by the wall behind the boxes before any bees could find you. Spider-Man huffed and you heard a loud clicking sound, probably from his spider distraction. Like you had hoped, all the bees near you suddenly diverted in the other direction.

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