55. And They Were Roommates - Part One

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a/n: could I really resist making this title a vine reference? nope. anyway this was requested on tumblr and it seemed so fun to write, and it won the vote from my last chapter where I asked you guys to pick, so here it is! it'll have like...four parts I think. next will be another series (I'm sorry but I'm not also) and it's honestly probably gonna be one of my favorites...anyway, I'm rambling. hope you guys enjoy!

warnings: peter is a bit of a jerk (I know he's not really like this forgive me), unrealistic scenario of a boy and girl sharing a dorm room (it's not even mentioned until the end though), language, angst

request: can I request enemies to roommates to friends to lovers with peter parker?

reminder: requests are currently closed!

italics are flashbacks

"I don't understand why we got into the same college," you muttered, your friend MJ rolling her eyes at your complaints. "Why couldn't he just go to MIT with Ned like everyone expected him to!"

"Columbia is a big school, Y/N, you probably won't even see Peter," she gave you a look, "And besides, you're both going into different majors. Just relax a little."

"I should've gone to Princeton with you," you complained, "Why didn't I apply there again?"

"Cause you wanted to stay in the city," she reminded you, stopping when you both reached her locker. "And Columbia is good for science majors, which you are, for some reason."

"It's my best subject now," you protested, "At least you won't be too far away. You'll have to come visit enough or I'll lose my mind."

"Yeah, and at least Eugene is going all the way to California, hopefully never to be heard of again," she sighed in exaggerated relief, making you snort when she called him by his real name. "And honestly Y/N, there's like thirty thousand people at Columbia. It's unlikely you'll see him at all."

"With my luck," you muttered, perking up a little when you saw Ned walking over to you and MJ. "Hey!"

"Hey guys," he grinned at both of you, "What's up?"

"Just talking about how Peter chose Columbia and now Y/N is considering fleeing the city," MJ said flatly, making you hit her arm lightly. 

Ned frowned, not sure what to say. MJ was usually the only one that was so blunt about everything that no one else had spoken out loud about the situation between you and Peter aside from her. 

"Well, at least we all won't be too far away," Ned just laughed awkwardly, and you smiled at the effort. "I'm, uh, gonna go meet up with Peter before class. I'll see you guys later."

You both said goodbye as he walked away, probably to meet Peter by his locker. Luckily it was on the other side of the school, where you wouldn't have to pass.

"Have you seen him lately?" You asked MJ a little hesitantly, not really wanting to know, but at the same time hearing anything about him somehow still made your heart race.

Even after he stopped talking to you. Even after the only words he said to you were harsh and cruel. Even after the love you once had for the boy turned into hate (though you were sure if you peeled back a few layers, the feelings were still there, just buried).

"Yesterday, when he told me about Columbia," MJ sighed, shutting her locker after getting her books. "I don't talk to him as much as before, you know that."

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