61. And They Were Roommates - Part Seven

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a/n: it's over!!! I hope you guys enjoyed this series as much as I enjoyed writing it :) next fic is gonna be another series (again, no self control) and it's literally gonna be so painful but I promise there'll be some good stuff too. enjoy!!!

warnings: all the angst, language, mentions of blood, mentions of guns, mentions of anxiety, but literally I finally am nice to you guys with the amount of fluff I put in

reminder: requests are closed!

y/n/n whered you go?

please tell me you just went to get coffee or something, that would have been really stupid but please I swear I won't be that mad

honestly I won't be mad just please come back I'm freaking out

we don't have to talk about what almost happened if that's why you left

where are you seriously??


y/n come on this isn't funny

are you okay???

And about ten missed calls.

"Seems like he really wants to know where you are," Kyle grinned, handing you your phone. "Go ahead and call him."

Your fingers were shaking as you took it from him, reading over the amount of texts Peter had sent while you looked for the phone app.

You had only woken up in a chair about five minutes before, your head throbbing from where that fake maintenance guy had whacked you to knock you out. It was stupid to let him in, even though you'd done it many times before because there always seemed to be an issue with your bathroom or your keycard not working or something else. 

When you came to, Kyle Hammer was standing in front of you alone and grinning, and you knew it was over.

It wasn't hard to imagine how much Peter was probably freaking out right now - you could picture him pacing in your dorm room with phone in hand, gripping his hair and biting his lip like he does when he's anxious.

And the last thing you wanted to do was confirm his fear.

"Let's get a move on, we haven't got all day," Kyle tapped his gun against the phone, making you flinch.

You pressed the call button, your hand still shaking as you put it on speaker phone. Peter didn't even wait for one ring before answering.

"Y/N, thank God, where the hell are you?" Peter asked quickly, sounding relieved. 

"She's with me," Kyle answered for you, a small grin on his face.

There was a pause on the phone. "Hammer."

"Say hi, Y/N," Kyle grinned, but you didn't say anything until he pressed the gun harder to your neck and you flinched. 

"Peter, I'm sorry," you winced, trying to move away from the gun without luck.

"Are you okay?" He asked quickly, almost sounding out of breath, "Has he hurt-"

"I think that's enough," Kyle took the phone from your hands, cutting him off. "You remember my promise, don't you, Spider-Man?"

"What do you want?" Peter asked stiffly, and Kyle just chuckled.

"I already have what I want. Well, almost. Once she's not breathing I'll have it," he grinned, "I'll see you around, Spider-Man."

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