Happy New Year!

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hey guys! I just wanted to say happy new year (it's still technically new years where I live, even if barely). I hope you have all have a wonderful 2017 and an even better 2018.

this year has been trying on me, but I think it ended pretty nicely. I graduated high school and started college, made some new friends and lost some old ones, started writing again, went on fun trips and lost some people dear to me, had new and exciting experiences, and overall I think it summed up to a rather good year. whether you guys had a hard or easy year, I hope you're enjoying the ride and will have a great 2018 no matter what comes your way!

that being said, sorry for not writing as much - I've been visiting family on my break and am in the process of applying to new schools (not that I hate my current school, but I would love to transfer to a better four-year university if possible :D) so I've been working hard on applications and essays so I haven't had too much time to write! on top of that, my sister is getting married so we've been having wedding preparations that I'm a big part of as a bridesmaid, and I've also been traveling a ton, so overall, a very busy december/january!

I start the new semester on jan 8, and good news is that this semester will be much less time-consuming - I'm taking less classes and easier level courses and should have time to write. like I said on my last update, requests are open, and I will write them as soon as I am back at school and getting the hang of things!

I wish you all the best in 2018 and thank you to everyone who messaged me personally wishing me a good year! it means a lot whenever I hear from you guys, I love you all and hopefully I'll post something soon for you! :D

x J

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