12. Ex-Friends - Part Three

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A/N: I was gonna make this only three parts but damn it got too long, so here's the almost last part. Don't forget to send me some requests, I'm currently not getting any - remember, I have prompts on the first page of this book too if that helps!

Warnings: Language, MAJOR FEELS

Peter POV:

"Dude! You kissed her?!" Ned whisper-shouted, causing Peter to shoot him a glare.

"Yeah Ned, just announce it to the whole school, great idea," he muttered, shoving a book in his locker. 

"Come on man, no one's around right now. But are you stupid?"

Peter sighed, looking at his friend. "I don't know. Probably."

"God, Peter," Ned sighed, leaning against the lockers and shaking his head, "You're digging yourself into such a deep hole."

"I know," he groaned, shutting his locker, "I can't help it, Ned! She won't talk to me as Peter, but she will as Spider-Man. Maybe, I don't know, maybe I can convince her to talk to me - uh, Peter me, and-"

"Now you're just confusing me," Ned said flatly, the both of them heading toward their first period, "Listen, you need to tell her, like, ASAP. She's already getting freaked out at all the staring you're doing."

Peter winced, remembering when Ned told him she basically went off on him about the staring. "I don't mean to creep her out, I just, I miss her, man."

"Which is why you need to tell her."

"She's going to hate me, all over again," he protested as they reached the door, waiting outside of it. "I have her as Spider-Man, I can't lose her again, Ned."

"You will lose her, if you just let this continue and not tell her before it's too late," Ned said matter-of-factly, giving him a tight smile. "Now act normal, cause here she comes."

Your POV:

"Now act normal, cause here she comes," you heard Ned state as you walked up to the first period class that you unfortunately shared with him and Peter. 

Since you were the only one walking even remotely close to them, you knew he was talking about you, making you frown. Avoiding their gazes, you slipped between them into the class, but you could feel both their eyes on you as you found your seat.

"Hey dude," your friend grinned from the seat next to you, "You look...interesting."

"Do I?" You hummed, sipping the to-go cup of coffee you grabbed on the way to school. You had hoped that you could relax after what happened last night, but you were still twitchy.

"Yeah, kinda jumpy, actually, did something happen?" She leaned forward, looking excited to hear a story of some kind.

You scoffed, trying not to meet Peter's eyes when he passed you to take his seat, a couple chairs behind yours. "Just had a long night. Nervous for the...test."

She raised an eyebrow, "Uh, okay weirdo. You can fill me in at lunch."

"Sure," you muttered, tapping your fingers on the table as the teacher started droning on. You lied to her - there was no way she would believe you if you even wanted to tell her about Spider-man.

You had only a few hours to think of some excuse, which was hard because you could feel Peter burning two holes in the back of your head. Maybe Ned hadn't said anything to him after all, because he certainly wasn't stopping.

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