32. Excuse My French - Part Three

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A/N: don't attack me after reading this pls and thanks :)

Warnings: Death Mention (you guys saw this coming I am so sorry), Language, ANGST

"Bad news," you said weakly into the phone, letting out a series of coughs that made Peter cringe on the other end of the line.

"Oh god, you're sick, aren't you?" He asked, feeling terrible for you as he heard you try and calm your coughing down. "Guess my jacket wasn't enough to save you from the cold."

"It is not your fault," you sniffed, smiling slightly at how he tried to take the blame. "I was the idiot who did not bring a jacket. I can not come to the field trip today, unfortunately."

"That's okay, I'll do your part, just work on feeling better, okay?" He said sincerely, and you grinned at how sweet he was being.

"I feel bad, though-"

"Nope, don't even worry about it, this'll be a piece of cake," he said, and you could hear the smile in his tone. "How about after the field trip, I can stop by with some soup?"

"Oh no, I do not want you getting sick," you protested, "Besides, I have soup. My mother is home today."

"Alright," he whined, making you laugh, which led to a series of coughs. "I better go before you cough up a lung since I'm so hilarious."

"Ha ha," you rolled your eyes, "Hopefully tomorrow I will be at school."

"I hope so, too," he laughed lightly, "We, uh, got a lot to talk about."

You bit your lip, "Yeah, we do. I will see you then."

"Bye, Y/N. Feel better," he said sweetly before he hung up. You sighed, not able to keep the goofy grin off your face as you reached for the cup of tea by your bed. You really hoped you got rid of this fever by tomorrow.

You luckily did have a normal temperature by that night, and you mother let you go back to school, thankfully not questioning why you were so excited to go.

But when you got to school, you didn't see Peter standing by his locker like he always did. That made your heart drop - did he regret kissing you? Did he not want anything more? Was he late? Was he-

"Hey, frenchie!" You heard a voice say behind you, and you turned to see Ned, knowing it was him from the stupid nickname he had given you weeks ago.

"Hey, Ned," you tried not to look too disappointed when you didn't see Peter next to him. "Um, where is Peter?"

"Oh, right, you weren't here yesterday," he tapped his nose, "Peter left the field trip early. Got sick or something like that, right in the middle of the spider lab, kind of a bummer."

"Oh merde," you cursed, "I must have gotten him sick anyway."

"How would you have gotten Peter sick?" Ned asked, frowning. "Were you close enough to him to cough on him or something?"

Your eyes widened slightly, "Uh, no, I just mean that, I assume he got it from me, since I was sick?"

He gave you a strange look. "Okay, weirdo. Come on, let's get to class."

Luckily he didn't push the point. You weren't sure what Peter wanted to tell him. Clearly Ned didn't know about the kiss, and if Peter wanted to keep it quiet for a while, then you would. Especially if he was sick, and you weren't sure when he was coming back.

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