23. Long Distance - Part One

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A/N: Really lame title lmao, sorry about that. Also I've gotten a few requests (which I'm super stoked about) so I'll be working on them, but just know it might take a few days for me to write and publish them, sorry if you don't see your request as soon as you'd like. Thanks for sending them in though, feel free to send more :D

I combined some prompts for this one but it was a request sent in too! I kinda feel like I rushed this...idk, but I didn't want to do another multi-part fic yet, so I forced this into one part ha. Also, the timeline is super messed up, but I don't care, call it lazy writing but I got too confused trying to make it work so just act like it's normal okay thanks lol

This is so long and cheesy oh my lord forgive me...

Warnings: Language, some Insecurity (reader)

"You haven't even touched your food. What's going on?" Peter asked, giving you a look when you avoided his gaze and continued poking at your food. 

You two were on a date at a new Chinese food place Peter was excited to try, especially cause he knew how much you loved Chinese - but you seemed so tense and unresponsive during the dinner that he knew something wasn't quite right.

"Nothing, Pete," you mumbled, not wanting to talk about it. But he saw the way you bit your lip and knew something was up.

"What is it, Y/N?" he asked, his hand moving to yours. 

"We're moving," you said in a flat tone, your eyes suddenly filling with tears as you watched Peter's shocked expression. "Mom's moving us to California for her work."

He blinked, mouth opening and closing. "When?"

"Two weeks," you bit your lip, shutting your eyes. "I won't-I won't be able to visit because it's too expensive, and we're leaving so soon, I just don't understand why she would do this now, in the middle of the school year-"

"Hey," his voice interrupted you, making you look at him with slight panic in your eyes. "It's gonna be okay."

"I won't see you for two years, Peter," you said in a weak tone, letting the tears fall now, "I want to come back here for college, just like before, but it's two years away from you and I'm so scared-"

"Y/N," he said firmly, taking both your hands in his to try and calm you down, "We can do long distance."

You blinked, "What?"

"It's not that hard, people do it all the time," he insisted, trying for a smile, "It's not like we won't still talk and call each other, Y/N/N."

"What if..." you made a face, "What if you met someone?"

"Y/N," he made the same face, "Do you really think I would look twice at someone else when I know I have you?"

"I don't know," you muttered, not meeting his eyes. 

"Sweetheart," he whispered, moving his hand to lift your chin up so you'd look at him. "I can't even dream of being with someone else because I have the best person right in front of me. If anyone would be able to find someone better, it would be you, not me."

"Shut up, you sap," you mumbled, making him crack a smile, "You really want to do long distance?"

"I'd do anything for you," he grinned, making a blush form on your cheeks. "But I don't want to lose you, Y/N. I understand if you'd rather not do long distance, but that would really suck."

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