Update & Sneak Peek

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hey guys! just wanted to give a little update - the reason I haven't been very active on here or posting much is because I have been super super busy this month, between classes and trying to get a job! also, I have been working on a series - something that is probably going to be as long as Excuse My French, because I have no self control when it comes to writing long fics. I do have the first part written, however, one thing I regret with the last series I did was that I did not write all of it first, so updates in between parts were weeks and even months long. I didn't want to do that this time, because I personally know how annoying it can be waiting for the next part of a series - I wanted to get at least a few parts of it written before I put part one up. plus, I really want to go through and edit these parts too because in the past I've failed to do that and it can become a bit sloppy on my end, and I want it to be my best possible work when I put it out! 

if you read all that, kudos to you and I love you. the first part will hopefully be out soon - I can't give a definite time because there's a few things I want to adjust and proofread, and right now sadly I do not have the time. currently I'm moving into a new place and that takes a lot of my time, plus I have classes and job interviews, so I don't want to make promises I can't keep. but definitely keep an eye out for an update!

about requests: if you have messaged me about your request, I have seen it and will probably reply separately, but please consider that I have taken note of it and I will do it - however, I do them in the order I see fit. some requests require more time than I currently have so I want to put them off until I can give them my full attention - some have vague guidelines that I can spit out easily. I want to do your request justice and I want to get them done asap, but unfortunately with the lack of time, it will be a while. I do want to apologize because I've had requests sitting in my inbox from way back in september (yeah I'm not exaggerating) because of me being way too busy, and also having writers block. I promise I will get to them, I will, but it will take time and I have to ask you guys to be patient with me. please don't harass my inbox asking me when I'll post them, because for one thing that makes me more stressed and less likely to complete your request, and for another I have no idea when I can do them. I don't want to ever come off rude to you guys but bugging me several times won't help either of us (I'm not calling anyone out on this here, because no one has done it, but on my tumblr it's happened a few times). please consider this when sending in a request! also, know that reminding me won't help - trust me, I have you request. I haven't forgotten about it.

wow, that was a lot. anyway, I feel bad for not having enough content up, so here is a little sneak peek from the currently untitled series I've been working on. it's a soulmate au (one of my fav tropes) with some extra twists and I hope you guys will enjoy it once I put up the first part!

sneak peek:

Peter hated the idea of soulmates.

And why shouldn't he? He saw his aunt and uncle so happy together as he grew up. He watched how their love never faded no matter what, how the tattoos on their wrists stayed vibrant and strong as the day they were born with them.

He also watched when his uncle was ripped from their lives. It was unfair, it was horrible, he was new to this powers thing and that was just another burden he wasn't ready to carry.

He watched his aunt lose the love of her life, her soulmate, and watched how it broke her. May was a tough woman, there was no denying that at all, but watching her go through losing her other half was something Peter never wanted to experience himself.

His life was dangerous. Every time he looked at the tattoo that was conveniently in the middle of his back, where luckily no one would see it but him, he got a bitter taste in his mouth. He didn't want a soulmate. He didn't want to go through what May did if something happened to them. And he didn't want his soulmate to go through it, if when he was out being Spider-Man, something happened to him.

So he decided then and there to never have his tattoo out in the open – it was easy to hide, since it was on his back, but he was still always careful about changing in gym class and making sure no one saw it. He wasn't sure what he would do if he met his soulmate – he was pretty sure no one ever rejected their other half, but it was something he knew he would have to do if he met them. It was cruel, but he didn't want them to get hurt because of him.

He hated the idea of soulmates, because he knew he would never be able to happily be with his.

You, on the other hand, were so excited about the idea of having the perfect match out there somewhere, that it always made Peter's head hurt when you talked about it.

You had only been friends with Peter and Ned for about a year or so since you moved to Queens, but you three got along rather well. Peter wasn't Spider-Man yet when he met you, his uncle was still alive. He hadn't been afraid of soulmates yet.

He used to love how you would make offhand comments about meeting your soulmate. Every once in a while you'd tell him about some silly scenario you made up in your head of when and where you'd meet them, or say something like "Pete, what if they're in this room right now and I don't even know it?"

It would make him giddy to think that there might be a small, tiny chance that maybe, just maybe, you were his soulmate. He didn't get his hopes up - he liked you, sure, but that didn't equate to being soulmates. Plus, he didn't even know where your tattoo was - all he knew was that it wasn't visible, kind of like his (which gave him more reason to hope, even though he tried not to).

Then Spider-Man happened. His uncle's death happened. He watched some of the light in May's eyes die out, and it was never quite the same. Her tattoo didn't look so vibrant anymore - faded and dull, rather, like how their lives felt after Ben was gone.

He wasn't sure if maybe you knew, but after that you didn't get as excited about soulmates as you used to. He knew you still were desperate to meet yours, of course - he could see the look in your eyes whenever someone else mentioned the topic. But you kept quiet about it as Peter was mourning, and even after the pain had mostly faded.

He didn't tell you or Ned about Spider-Man. He never voiced his hatred of the idea of soulmates. For the first time, he didn't desperately wish for you to be his soulmate - he now wished the opposite. He didn't want you to be his other half, because if you weren't, it meant you'd be safe from all the danger his new life led him to.

He hoped he never met them, whoever they were. He didn't need them to have to worry over him, be put in danger because of him - and he didn't want to experience first-hand what May went through, and he certainly didn't want his soulmate to feel that if something happened to him.

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