96. Fine Line - Part Two

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a/n: alright so a lot of you seemed excited about requests opening, so to say it officially - they're open! please only send me a direct message on here, I will not see them in the comments because I get quite a few notifications. 

my only main guidelines are that I won't write anything triggering or that I'm uncomfortable with. I won't go into detail on here, but I'll let you know if your request is something I won't write. please only send peter x reader requests. I do plan on writing for other characters again, but not in this book, and probably not anytime soon. 

be as detailed as you want, but don't expect me to write everything you send. sometimes my writing style won't match up well with what you request, but I am usually willing to try. the only things I'll really reject are ones that make me uncomfortable or don't make sense with the character/story. I don't mind bending some canon (as all fanfic writers do) but if it's really ooc or just doesn't make sense, I probably won't be able to write it.

again, I might not get to your request and I might not want to write it. please be patient with me - I don't get on here often as it is, and with the current writer's block, it might be a while before I respond to your request. 

hope you guys enjoy this part! >:)

warnings: bad jokes, bad flirting, dumb asses, some more arguing, even more dramatic irony, fighting, language, the plot thickens

Spider-Man pulled you closer as he swung you both around the side of a building, and you unintentionally held onto him tighter. You knew he'd never drop you, but you still couldn't get used to the swinging. He was right when he said it was more practical, though - you didn't have webs or flying powers or anything that would help with transporting yourself, and it was easier to swing through New York rather than run.

Within seconds he landed you both at your meeting spot, his arm sliding from your waist. You were already fuming as he sat down on the ledge, leaning back on his palms. You got the vague idea he was grinning at your anger, but of course, you couldn't see his face.

"If that Swarm guy gets away from us again, I'm going to lose my mind," you spat, getting more frustrated as you thought about it. You were so close to freezing him tonight, but he got away at the last second - like he always does. This was the sixth time in the last two weeks you had encountered him, and he's gotten away. He was just toying with you both.

"No need for violence, Frosty," Spider-Man chuckled, "Though you are cute when you're mad."

"This is serious," you whined, "We need to think of a way to get rid of this guy, he's getting on my nerves. I'm pretty sure he's the reason I have migraines so frequently now."

"Why don't you sit down and relax for a minute?" He patted the spot next to him, "We can talk about plans later. I'm tired."

"Oh, you're tired," you muttered, but you sat next to him anyway. 

It was late, even for New York standards. Spider-Man and you had chosen where you first met as your meeting spot for patrol every night. It had been special to you even before you met him - this was where you would come to relax on days when it got to be too much, either as Y/N or as Medusa. 

Sharing it with someone else was special to you, too.

"Sometimes I wish we could just be with each other without all this," Spider-Man said suddenly, making your eyes widen a fraction. "I'd love to know you...without the responsibility and hiding. Without the masks."

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