8. Secrets - Part Three

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A/N: I wasn't going to post this until tomorrow since I already put up a part today, but I figured eh, why not? There will be one more part in this, not sure exactly why I'm on an streak lol, but hope you guys enjoy!

Warnings: Language, ANGST

Lucky for you, it was Sunday the next day. You were dreading Monday so much that it physically hurt to think about.

You hadn't slept well the night before, your eyes burning from crying but you couldn't close them. Not without remembering Peter's face when he left your room. It made you sick to think about but it kept replaying in your mind like a broken record. 

Your phone was in your hands the entire night and you were desperate to not miss any text or call from Peter but nothing came. 

The next morning you woke up late, your parents having already left for work. You were grateful for the first time that they worked weekends. 

You decided to give in and call Peter, try apologizing again, beg him to at least talk to you, even though you doubted he would even pick up. When he didn't, you didn't bother leaving a voicemail, just shutting the phone off and running a hand down your face.

A minute later you got a text, and you immediately got hopeful, unlocking your phone quickly. But it was just from Michelle, and your disappointed felt painful.

hey loser. heard you were back, i got those math notes you asked for. 

thanks m, you typed back, taking a deep breath and placing your phone back on your side table.

You stood up to go to the kitchen and tripped over something, cursing when you hit the ground, rolling over to see what got in your way. Picking up the edge of the suit that was poking out from under you bed, you grimaced at it. 

Who cared if Spider-Man was out there right now, waiting for you so he could take you in? It's not like he would be able to catch you, anyway. And it was the afternoon on a Sunday, not exactly a high time for crime. 

You needed to run. You needed to get your mind off the worst heartbreak of your life. 

Grabbing the suit, you quickly changed and shoved your mask on before opening your window, escaping quickly.

It was nighttime when you finally returned to Queens. You had spent the day running through some nearby cities, as though you could run from your problems, but nothing fixed the sore feeling deep in your chest.

You were sitting on the same rooftop Spider-Man had first found you on, maybe subconsciously, you weren't sure. 

Angrily, you ripped your mask off, holding it in your fists tightly while you tried to blink away tears. You rested your head in your hands, shaking your head. You had to see him tomorrow, and you had no idea what would happen. Would he yell at you? Completely ignore you? 

You didn't let yourself hope that maybe he'd forgive you.

"Rough night?" You heard a familiar voice behind you, but you didn't turn around, just sighing and dropping your hands to your lap.

"If you're going to take me in, just do it," you snapped, trying to sound angry, but your voice cracked, betraying you. "You know what I look like now."

"I'm not gonna turn you in," Spider-Man stated, sitting next to you on the ledge and watching your face. You looked at him, blinking.

"You're not?" You asked lamely, turning away to wipe your eyes, wishing he didn't have to walk up while you were having your emotional breakdown.

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