89. Far From Love - Part Nine

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a/n: hope you guys are staying safe :) this is the last chapter unless you guys peer pressure me into another one...? I do like my mean endings though >:)

warnings: general violence because they do be fighting, minor character death(???), blood, jake gyllenhaal, language as always

"Yeah, that doesn't look promising."

You and Peter were staring down at the swirling storm cloud just above the London Tower Bridge, and you were trying not to feel sick at the height.

"I didn't think our first time in England would be like this," Peter agreed, looking about as anxious as you were feeling. "I was kind of hoping to walk on the bridge, not, uh, fall on it."

"I just wanted to be annoying American tourists," you complained, pinching your nose, "Not fight some psycho children-murdering actor with drones."

Peter grimaced, "We should go. That reminds me that every second we waste, MJ and Ned are in more danger."

"Yeah," you were hoping to prolong diving into a massive storm cloud (fake or not), but he was right. More anxiety swept over you at the thought of anything happening to your friends. 

Your new suits were much nicer than the stealth ones Fury provided. Despite that, you still couldn't wait to go back home and have your own suit back. If you made it home.

Peter held his hand out, and you didn't hesitate to take it. "Remember the plan?"

"Yes," you let out a nervous sigh, "I'll go find MJ and Ned and make sure they're safe while you distract Mysterio and disable the storm. Then I'll come back and meet with you once Happy is with the two of them. We'll end it."

"Remember," Peter suddenly took both of your hands, making you stare him in the eyes. "Whatever he shows you, it's not real. He's probably not alone in this and has something planned to distract you. Trust your senses. He doesn't know I'm alive, that's our only advantage - but I know he's prepared for you."

"Gee, thanks," you could imagine your expression was anything but thankful. 


"Nope. Let's go."

"One more thing," You turned to ask him what else he could possibly need to say, but instead he brought his free hand to your face. He gave you enough time to tell him no, or even just push him away, before he brought he pressed his lips against yours, in a much quicker kiss than the first time. You just stared blankly at him when he pulled away.

"Sorry," he almost half smiled. "You can yell at me for that later. Didn't know if I'd have the chance to ever do it again."

Then he jumped out of the jet. You could barely form words as you watched him spread his arms and his new suit's side wings appeared, carrying him into the storm.

"You motherfu-"

"Y/N, go now, I can't hover here forever!" Happy shouted, and you shook off your fear before bracing yourself, and jumping out of the jet.


Surprisingly, it wasn't hard to find MJ and Ned, but that didn't make you less worried. If you could find them easily, you were sure Stark's drones could find them just as fast. As much as the last thing you wanted to do was watch Flash's live streams, it did help you locate where they were - which appeared to be right outside London Tower.

You found them slightly separated from the rest of the class, only Flash with them, which wasn't ideal. Despite that, you reached them, ignoring Flash's shocked face as his hero's partner randomly showed up. Even with the outfit change, you were easily identified as Silk, you were sure.

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