6. Secrets - Part One

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A/N: I'm really really excited for this fic, it'll be probably three or four parts long and I've been toying with the idea for a while, so I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it! 

Warnings: Fighting, Language

You weren't exactly sure how you ended up here.

Well, that's a lie. You knew exactly how you got here, you just weren't sure as to why.

A couple months ago, you got into some trouble with the Falcon, and in return for him not turning you in, he asked for a favor when he needed it. So here you were, returning that favor.

You had a particular power that seemed it would come in handy, so Sam finally approached you about helping him out. He was sure to remind you that you'd be in a lab being tested on or just thrown in a jail cell if it wasn't for him, so you readily agreed.

You thought maybe he needed you to do something for him that required going in and out quickly and not being seen. Your power helped with that. But you didn't expect to be standing in an airport in Germany facing one half of the Avengers.

Shooting Sam a glare, he gave you a sheepish grin. "You didn't mention this," you grumbled, shifting your mask on your face just to make sure no one could see your face.

"Sorry, Comet, you said a favor, didn't specify what said favor had to be," he whispered back. 

"Don't call me Comet," you muttered, your eyes moving across the other figures across the strip. You could recognize Iron Man, Black Widow, Vision. You didn't recognize the other men, one in another iron man suit and the other in some weird looking black cat costume? And for the most part you knew the people on this side, besides perhaps Ant Man.

But one figure across from you made you uneasy, because you certainly recognized him. You just didn't know why he was here, of all places, and with a new costume? The last time you saw Spider-Man, he had a cheap and clearly hand-made outfit.

"Well, since I don't know your real name," he replied, shooting you a smirk. "I do know that you're like, twelve."

"I'm sixteen," you snapped. 

"Alright," Steve interrupted, giving you and Sam a look before turning back to the other side. "We gotta fight them. Otherwise we'll never get to the jet."

You tensed, fists tightening against your sides. You knew how to fight, but it was your speed that would help you survive. As far as you were aware, you were the fastest person alive. Sam mentioned someone named Pietro who had a power similar to yours - super speed, but he was dead. Sam said that you still seemed faster than he even was.

"Who should I go for?" You asked, eyeing Spider-Man. 

You knew the way he fought, because he lived in your same city - Queens. The school you went to practically buzzed with news about how the spider dude fought a guy, or stopped a bank robbery, or saved some helpless old lady.

It seemed he was staring at you too, though you couldn't see his face. It made you slightly nervous, but you were almost positive that he didn't recognize you. You didn't fight crime in Queens, because the city already had Spider-Man. You hadn't even worn this suit since before you moved to New York, and all stories about you had disappeared when you left your old city.

Of course, he couldn't see your face, as it was covered in a mask. So even if you both lived in Queens, he wouldn't know who you were. Probably he was older than you, anyway.

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