3. Are You Drunk?

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A/N: I'm combining some prompts for this one! From the list: "Are you drunk?" "I think I'm in love with you, and I'm terrified" (slightly altered).

Warnings: Language, Underage Drinking 


"This is stupid," Peter muttered to Ned as they walked up to Liz's house party. It was already in full swing, and he didn't doubt that some partiers were already drunk, if Liz had brought alcohol. "If you hadn't blurted out that I knew Spider-Man, we wouldn't have to be here!"

"Come on man, Y/N will be here," Ned teased, causing Peter to roll his eyes. "You got the suit, right?"

Peter lifted his jacket slightly, showing the red and blue suit to his friend, who gave him a thumbs up. "I don't know Ned, this doesn't seem like a great idea."

"It'll be easy!" He insisted as they walked in the house, "Just like, say you're friends with, uh, you, then maybe give me a fist-bump or something and backflip away into the sunset."

Peter stopped listening to Ned's rambling when he noticed you among the crowd, a cup in your hand and a wide grin adorning your features. His heart skipped a beat when your gaze met his, your smile becoming even brighter as you hurried over to them.

"You guys m-made it!" You hiccuped as you stopped in front of Ned and Peter, shock on their features. "I've been waiting for you, for like, I don't know, a couple hours? What day is it?"

"Are you drunk?" Peter asked incredulously, eyeing the cup in your hand that looked like it might spill at any moment.

"There's a 12% chance that I am," you grinned. 

"I think it's more than 12%," Ned muttered, but only Peter was able to hear it while you were too distracted by Peter to pay attention. 

You were giving him a confused but thoughtful look, making him suddenly nervous. Was there something on his face? Did you not want to see him tonight? Were you going to tell him why you've been avoiding him the last few weeks? What-

"Nice hat, Ned," you finally stated, looking away from Peter like nothing happened. "Can I wear it?"

"Uh, sure?" He barely got the words out before you giggled and grabbed the hat, putting it lopsided on your head.

"See you losers later!" You shouted, heading back toward your other friends, who were all at least as drunk as you, if not more.

"I can't believe she's that wasted," Ned laughed, looking at his friend, "Dude, the party only started like, a couple hours ago."

"She's been stressed lately," Peter defended you, still watching you as you talked to a few people around you. "I don't know, maybe she just wanted to forget her problems?"

"That's deep man," he replied, distracted when Liz suddenly came up to them, a smile on her face. 

Peter wasn't quite listening when Liz talked to the two of them, too distracted by the thought of you. 

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