78. Sunburn - Part Six

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a/n: okay okay I'm sorry I write reader as being dumb but I'll make up for it I promise. also this isn't the end relax

warnings: language, angst, everything starts making a lil more sense. and dare I say...fluff

You didn't see Spider-Man at all for the next few days, and before you knew it you were waiting with your friends by the bus at four in the morning that was going to take you to the airport.

Worry had filled your gut for the last several days, not hearing from Spider-Man or seeing him in the news at all since the explosions that spread across the borough. And something bothered you about what he was going to say before he had to leave so abruptly.

It seemed like he had been about to take off his mask.

And he had been acting so weird during that whole conversation. And kissing your forehead before leaving? What the hell was that?

You felt like you were missing something obvious. In fact, you knew you were. Something felt off every time you thought about the friendship you and him had, especially since MJ had brought up the fact that you didn't really know him. It was like the answer was on the tip of your tongue, but something just wasn't clicking and it frustrated you. 

Nonetheless, you were at school bright and early a few days later for the bus to take you all to the airport. Once you got there, most of the decathlon team was already present, minus Liz and Peter. You figured maybe they were coming together or something.

Cindy and Betty were chatting with you while Ned and MJ were having a weirdly quiet conversation away from the group, making you a little suspicious. You were going to ask them what was up but Flash and Abe came up to to the three of you and started another conversation, distracting you.

"Ten minutes till we leave guys, make sure to check in if you haven't already!" Mr. Harrington called from the bus, making you frown as you realized how quickly time had passed.

"Where's Peter?" You asked in confusion now that Ned and MJ were back, "And Liz?"

Now that you really thought about it, you hadn't seen Liz all summer - she texted only a couple times and for once, wasn't really on her social media. She hadn't mentioned anything about not coming on the trip, even though she made it seem like she was for sure coming before school had ended.

"Liz decided not to come," Cindy piped up, dragging her bag up to the bus. "She's taking summer classes at Stanford, she's been there for a few weeks now."

You scrunched your eyebrows together, "What?"

"Yeah, and apparently Parker's been kind of messed up since she dumped him," Flash shook his head, "Guess she met her soulmate again in California. Abe claims she did it over text, too."

You were shocked at that news and felt your heart drop a little. Liz had really up and left Peter even though they talked about it and decided to stay together regardless of their soulmates? He must be heartbroken, and that made your heart hurt more for him. 

Though you were sure Abe was exaggerating about the dumping him over text part, it still sucked. Peter might've hurt you, but that didn't mean you wished the same on him. Weirdly enough you hadn't felt any unusually sad emotions on his end. Maybe your own hurt was masking it.

You were mostly surprised that Liz hadn't even mentioned any of this to you, or to MJ as far as you were aware, and you three were close friends. How the hell did Cindy and Flash know, but not you two?

MJ did say a few days ago that she suspected they had broken up, but that didn't make sense. It must've been more recent than that. And if MJ knew for sure, she would've told you flat out that she knew, not just that she assumed.

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