57. And They Were Roommates - Part Three

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a/n: there will be one more part of this (maybe two if I have no self control). I'm going on a trip for the holidays and won't be very active, at least not until around mid-january. hope you all enjoy your holidays and enjoy this part! it's getting wild in here, and I'm sorry but there might be a bit of a wait until the next part :( hopefully it can get posted before jan 1 (I know that's far away I'm so so sorry)

also did y'all see that new avengers trailer  👀

warnings: oh my god all the angst, peter isn't as much of an asshole for once, language, mentions of blood

italics are flashbacks

reminder - my requests are currently closed :) 

"Are-are you alright?" He repeated when you didn't answer, staring in shock at Spider-Man standing in front of you awkwardly. His mask's eyes moved a little as you stared at him, and you realized he was waiting for you to say something.

"Your voice sounds weird," you said stupidly, not knowing what else to say, or how to even respond to his question. It was pretty obvious you weren't alright.

"Uh, yeah, I have a voice altering function in my suit now, just to prevent bad guys from recognizing my voice," he didn't seem to know what to do with his hands so he awkwardly crossed them after a moment of shifting.

"Didn't realize crying teenage girls were considered bad guys now," you chuckled a little, wiping your eyes.

"Well-I mean, I know you're-you're obviously not a criminal, I just always have it on-"

"I was making a joke, dude," you rolled your eyes, but couldn't keep a smile off your face. "You can chill."

"Are you okay, though?" He asked, his voice sincere despite the off sound to it. You took a breath, fiddling with your fingers and swaying your feet a little.

"Yeah, I'm okay now, it's stupid really," you sniffed, laughing at yourself, and before you could shut up you started ranting. "I'm honestly just so stressed with school, it's harder than I thought it would be, my dick of a roommate isn't making it easier, my best friend lives far away, the group for my project is really unreliable, and I cracked my phone screen yesterday which isn't that bad but still just another thing on the list of things going wrong-"

"Hey," his voice was soft, his gloved hand going to your shoulder in comfort. "You're rambling."

"Sorry, I tend to do that when I'm stressed," you ran a hand over your face, "I-I just have a lot going on."

"Well," he sat next to you on the bench, crossing his arms again, "Why don't we start with one thing? How about...your roommate?"

You snorted, "You don't need to walk me through my problems, Spider-Man, I'm sure you have more important things to do."

"This is important," he insisted, continuing before you could protest. "Tell me about them. Why are they such a dick?"

"It's a long story."

"I have time," he probably smiled with the way his mask shifted, and you huffed. 

"What if some bank gets robbed because you're sitting here talking to me?" You questioned, trying to change the subject, but he just chuckled and tapped the side of his head.

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