104. Fine Line - Alternative Part Five

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a/n: hello I've started watching miraculous ladybug and the show is so cute but the love square is driving me up a wall...but imma keep watching 🙄

well I know I've been updating somewhat frequently, and that's mostly because it was my spring break last week! luckily I was able to get a lot of writing done, but I'm back in school and I still work full time so please don't expect a lot of updates, it's getting kind of busy for me so!

warnings: hahahahahahahahahaha

You had argued with yourself the whole way to your meeting spot with Spider-Man.

It had only been maybe two hours since you realized Spider-Man and Peter were the same person, and you hadn't gotten any closer to accepting it. If you were going through the five stages of grief, you were absolutely still in the first stage. 

It didn't make sense. Spider-Man was so sweet, and funny, and caring, and incredible - Peter was the opposite of all that. He was mean, and short with you, and unnecessarily cruel. He never smiled at you unless it was fake, he never spoke kindly to you ever, he made it his mission to make you miserable. How? How could they possible be the same person?

Still, something brought you to the rooftop where your meeting spot was, but you didn't jump down to the lower section where you knew he was now. You could hear the music he was playing as he finished setting up whatever it was he was doing, and you could hear him humming along.

You felt something in your chest that ached at the idea of him putting together a whole date for you. If he knew you were Y/N, he'd probably run away screaming. That was why you knew you should tell him, so you could at least save him and yourself the embarrassment of him continuing to like you.

This was so awful. You really just wanted to leave and never speak to him again, as Peter or Spider-Man, but you knew that wasn't fair.

You finally dared to peak over the edge, seeing what he was doing down below. He was quickly moving around and adjusting things, but it looked like he already had everything set up. His mask was off, and you could only see the top of his curly hair from here, but it made you hesitate. It was surprising that his senses hadn't warned him you were already there.

You continued watching him for a minute, and you felt sick at the idea of walking away. This was Spider-Man – you could never, ever hurt him like that. But at the same time, it was Peter, who had been making your life significantly worse for almost a year. This would be the perfect opportunity to hurt him as much as he hurt you.

But you hated yourself for even thinking that. You could never be so low. This wasn't going to end well – you had no idea what he had planned, and you were certain he was going to ask you to take your mask off. It would only be fair – it wasn't right for you to know his identity, but him not know yours.

That made your decision for you. There wasn't a good way for this to end, but you couldn't hurt him like that. You would have to leave the decision in his hands, whenever he found out who you were. You weren't sure when you'd be ready to tell him, but he would need to find out sooner or later.

You finally jumped down, hesitating when he looked up at you with the biggest grin on his face.

"Hey, Frosty!"

"Hi," you hated knowing now that he could hear your heartbeat, because you were sure it was racing. Your eyes skimmed over the set-up he made. 

He had spread out some picnic blankets, and strung up fairy lights to bring a new look to your meeting spot. You noticed a few vases of flowers and those tall candles spread out, and you wondered how long it took him to swing all this up here. 

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