4. Valentine Hearts

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A/N: This was requested by someone through my tumblr, and it sounded so cute, so I had to write it even though it's nowhere near Valentines Day, HA

Warnings: Some Language, Blood, Peter being cute as hell?

You weren't really mad about Peter having to miss out on Valentine's Day. You knew he had responsibilities, being a superhero of course, and just cause it was supposed to be a romantic night didn't mean criminals just took a break.

"I'm really, really, really sorry, sweetheart," Peter said breathlessly through the phone, which made you think he was swinging through the city. "I know it was supposed to be special-"

"It's fine Pete, honest," you insisted, frowning at your reflection in the mirror, being all dressed up and ready to go out. "We can celebrate another day. By the way, what did I say about calling and swinging at the same time?"

"I believe you said, 'it's like texting and driving, you'll end up crashing'-OOF" you heard a groan, then he was back, "Wow, yeah, I should just listen to you from now on. I just wanted to call you so you wouldn't have to wait up on me."

You smiled at his thoughtfulness, beginning to tug some of the bobby-pins out of your hair carefully. "Be careful, okay? If you need some patching up, I'll be awake."

"Hopefully not," he grunted again and you heard his web shooters make a noise as he swung from another building, a horn honking in the distance. "Sorry! Aw shit, I gotta go. Love you."

"Love you, too," you sighed and hung up, shaking your head. What you were going to do with that boy, you didn't know.

You placed your phone on the table next to your bed, finishing taking out the pins and deciding to get dressed in comfy pjs, knowing you wouldn't feel like going out and seeing couples everywhere.

Besides, you had an important math test tomorrow, so it wasn't a total loss that Peter had to cancel. You could cram a few more hours of studying and hopefully get a better grade than you would have if you went on the date.

"Good idea, Y/N," you said to yourself, quickly grabbing some shorts and one of Peter's sweatshirts that you stole a few months ago, getting changed quickly so you could get started on studying.

It was around midnight when you heard a light tapping on your window, causing you to snap your head up at the sound.

Peter had a hand on his side, his mask off and blood covering the left side of his suit, but the boy still managed to smile when you met his gaze. You took note of the bruises covering his eyes and jawline, almost wincing at how beat up he looked.

You sighed, getting up and sliding the window open carefully so your parents wouldn't wake up. Taking Peter's chin in your hand gently, you moved his head to the side to see if there were more cuts and bumps, frowning when your suspicion was correct.

"Come here often?" He asked weakly, making you sigh and roll your eyes at how he still managed to make jokes even in this state.

"Get in, I'll go get something to fix you up," you said softly, letting go of his chin and opening the window wide enough for him to slip through. Quickly you snuck to the bathroom and grabbed some wipes and bandaids, being careful to shut the door as quiet as possible before turning back to Peter, who now sat on your bed.

He gave you a sheepish grin, holding up a bent-up box of candy valentine hearts. You let out a shaky laugh, taking the box from him and pressing a quick kiss to his lips.

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