34. Excuse My French - Part Five

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A/N: this fic is so damn long, oh my lord, I think it's gonna be like seven parts I am so sorry. also wanted to thank you guys, those of you who helped correct my french translations (it's pretty obvs that I'm not french so I appreciate when you guys give me the correct words so I can fix em up)!!

also I noticed I'm almost at 100k views the heck!! thank you guys so much for reading my lame writing, I love you all

Warnings: Language, Angst

Sixth months after Ben's death and Peter deciding to be just friends, things had changed almost drastically.

When it came to just you, you knew you weren't quite the same person from six months ago. You hadn't been in New York long, but you could tell your accent was fading slightly. Your English felt even stronger than before, and you never hesitated over words like you had when you first got here.

American life was the new norm for you, and the things you found weird before, you now considered normal. Though, now having a new superhero in the borough was a little more than weird, but ever since Spider-Man had shown up months ago, even that was considered normal.

Things with Peter didn't go back to normal. Weeks after his uncles death, he was, for the most part, the same as he had been before. He cracked a few jokes, he talked nerdy with Ned again, and he wasn't the same Peter you saw in his bedroom on that awful night. 

But there was something different, and it wasn't just his appearance. Both you and Ned had seen that something was up with him - he was constantly busy now, rarely having time for study sessions or much else. He suddenly got an internship with Tony Stark, despite him not telling either of you that he even applied for one. 

There was also something new you had discovered that hurt you more than you wanted to admit. 

Your feelings had been suppressed as much as you could make them be, and you tried not to let them show whenever Peter was around. It was difficult, because even after all this time, you still liked him. You were waiting for him to be ready, but you weren't sure if he wanted to be, anymore.

Whenever he talked to you, whether it was with or without someone else around, he always seemed distracted. It didn't take you long to figure out why that was.

"So the teacher got mad because apparently I gave her the wrong email for my mother, but she actually just switched it with another student..."

You watched him begin to lose interest as you talk, his eyes shifting from your face to over your shoulder, and you immediately knew why. 

Instead of continuing talking to a boy who clearly wasn't listening, you stopped mid sentence, turning to your locker to finish putting your books in, trying not to let your annoyance and hurt show on your face.

"Sorry, Y/N, what were you saying?" He asked after a minute of silence. It really took him that long to realize you had stopped talking.

"It doesn't matter," you sighed, shutting your locker. When you faced him, he seemed to be trying to focus on you, but his eyes drifted a bit past your shoulder again. 

You glanced back, knowing who you would see before you even looked. Liz Allen was talking to a group of her friends, a wide smile on her face as she waved her arms around, telling some exciting story.

Liz was great, honestly - you liked her a lot, enough to say you were even friends with her. This year she was in an advanced math class with you, so you saw her more than you did last year, since she was a senior. And even though you liked her, you wished you could dislike her just a little. 

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