update & vote

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just a little chat I need to have with you guys as well as a vote on my next fic!

okay real talk...some of y'all comment on my fics in a pretty rude way. I'm not saying you can't joke around on here but it's obvious when some of you are joking versus when some of you are actually being rude for no reason. whether it's about my writing in general or certain concepts I use, or how I write the characters or whatever. there's a line between joking around and actually saying things that are uncalled for, and some commenters have crossed it.

I'm gonna be honest, if you don't like what I'm writing - just don't read it. why would you take the time out of your day to leave a nasty comment for no reason? I take constructive criticism but just because one thing I wrote bothered only you specifically doesn't mean leaving a hurtful comment will actually help improve my writing. and I'm not gonna change the way I write just because one person doesn't like it compared to the several others that do.

honestly, I'm not trying to sound full of myself but - I know I write at least somewhat well because a lot of people like it. some of you commenting on here genuinely act like some of the things I write are making me an awful writer and...based on the amount of comments telling me they love my writing? that's just not the case.

like I said, if you don't like it, just don't read it. If you don't understand it, ask - don't get angry and say that things I write are not comprehensible. I'm more than happy to explain things if you really are confused. I know it's hard to follow some things I write sometimes but does that really mean you have to trash my writing style just because one person doesn't understand it at first?

this isn't about any specific person commenting or fic, I've just been seeing it lately and it's starting to get on my nerves. I take time out of my busy day to write for free for all of your enjoyment without getting anything in return, and seeing comments like that makes me not want to write anymore. 

I want to be specific - I am open to constructive criticism. if I make grammar mistakes, tell me. if I wrote a sentence and it sounds really weird, tell me. half of the time I write these around 10 pm - 2 am cause that's the only time I have, so my brain gets a little funky and I'm bound to make mistakes. also I'm literally dyslexic and I miss things sometimes.

but let me be clear - calling me stupid or begging me not to write a certain character a certain way or telling me my plot ideas suck or the way I write is annoying - that is not constructive criticism and I'm not here for it. 

so like I said if you don't like it, then don't read it. most of you guys are so sweet and every time I open a nice message or comment it really makes my day, but seeing those nasty comments is getting really tiring. 

okay that was way deeper than it needed to be and not to completely change the mood of this update, but I also wanted to have you guys vote for my next series idea! I have two ideas you can choose from - both have some written already, but I can't decide the direction to go, so I thought it would be fun to have you guys vote!

simply comment on which one you would like me to write, and by the end of the day tomorrow (or the next depending on if it's too close of a call) I'll see which one has the most votes and get to writing! they're both soulmate fics, they both have a lot of angst and a lot of fluff and obviously it's soulmates so...get ready for cheesy tropes.

idea 1: soulmates see in black and white until they first touch each other. peter and reader are already established friends and peter is dating liz. reader wants to meet her soulmate so she can get over peter. interestingly enough peter and reader have never touched 🤔 y'all can guess how this is gonna go.

idea 2: soulmates see in black and white until they first see each other. spider-man saves reader and they find out they're soulmates, but spider-man runs off and reader doesn't hear from him. reader is conveniently transferred to midtown and befriends a girl named mj. you can probably guess where this one is gonna go too.

I'm shit at making up little summaries but they will obviously be way more fleshed out and not as confusing as I made them sound. but please vote!! I might be posting some stand alone requests before I get this series out, but we'll see. 

thanks if you read all the way until here then I love you 3000

x j

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