35. Excuse My French - Part Six

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A/N: before I get to the boring stuff I just wanted to thank you guys for reading my dumb writing cause I just reached 100k reads and I have no idea how...that's literally so crazy to me that so many of you actually opened this imagine book and read it? anyway I wish I could do something for you guys in return cause you're all so amazing and reading your comments and getting messages in my inbox honestly make me so happy and even though every writer says it, you guys really push me to keep writing and if I didn't get such awesome feedback from you all I probably wouldn't still be sitting down and writing. so thank you thank you thank you all so so much :')

also, sorry for the long wait on this, life has been cray cray

Warnings: Language, Angst, Attempted Assault

After the mess that was homecoming, things started to finally feel a bit normal again.

You had chosen to not go - big surprise - but Ned told you everything that happened. Apparently Peter ditched Liz before the dance even started, and even though Ned denied knowing why, you were pretty sure he knew. Ned wasn't a very good liar.

It didn't make sense why he would leave her like that, when he was so excited to take her in the first place. You also got wind that apparently her dad was arrested and she would be moving to another state, which all in all sounded like Liz had a really crappy night.

Surprisingly, Peter got over her better than you thought. You figured after a month of pining, the boy would mope for a week or so, but by that Wednesday after the dance he was back to his bright self.

He was still a little distant, but you hadn't expected that to change. Him and Ned did seem to whisper a lot around you and stop as soon as you came up to them, which was still annoying, but you were used to it by now. If they wanted to tell you what they were talking about, they would've done it already.

You just hoped they didn't continue it so obviously, or you might snap.

Things had, though, begun looking up. For the first time in a while, Peter had time to have a movie night with you and Ned again. To say you were ecstatic was an understatement - of course, you were sad that you and Peter weren't as close as before, but he was acting like a friend again and that was the best you could ask for.

You had taken the subway to Ned's, happy for the first time in a while that the three of you could hang out again. Plus, they let you choose the movie tonight, which meant you got to see your favourite disney movie again (they usually had sci-fi, which wasn't terrible, but you missed your cute movies a lot)

"Hey, frenchie," Ned grinned when you had knocked on his door. "Ready for the worst movie ever?"

"Shut up, Tangled is a great movie, if you don't like it you shouldn't have let me be the chooser this week," you patted his cheek while you walked past him into the house, setting the bags of snacks on his counter. "Is your mom here?"

"She has work, she'll probably be back when we're halfway done with this lame movie."

"Hey, I don't dig on your sci-fi movies, let me have this," you huffed, "Where's Peter? He said he'd be here before me, didn't he?"

There was silence and you looked up at him, recognizing the expression on his face as you felt disappointment flood through you. "He cancelled, huh?"

"Yeah," Ned ran a hand over his face, sighing as he headed toward the living room, "He's just busy a lot, you know, with the internship. Something came up."

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