26. Delmar's - Part Two

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A/N: Here is the next part (with a new book cover too :D)! I was able to post this quicker than usual cause it was already written when I published part one, but my other imagines won't be posted this quickly, sorry about that! I start school on Monday and that will be my priority because I bombed last year due to procrastination (lmao) and I need to focus a lot this year. So again, I apologize for any delays in requests! I hated how I ended this but I usually hate how I end fics so what's new lol.

Warnings: Angst, Language

Immediately you froze at the sight of a red and blue figure perched on your fire escape, waving at you through the window. What the hell was Spider-Man doing at your apartment?

After a second of shock you stood up stiffly, figuring he wouldn't leave without you answering him. You unlocked the window and slid it up, staring at the masked man with an annoyed expression.

"Hey," he said in a nervous, familiar-sounding tone. You frowned a bit at that, wondering why you recognized the voice, but you couldn't place a name to it.

"What are you doing here?" You asked in a tense tone, glancing back toward your door to make sure it was shut. "How did you even know where I lived?"

"Um, last night, I saw you walk home," he said in that same familiar tone. "I just-I came to apologize."

You raised an eyebrow, crossing your arms. In all honesty you didn't expect him to come at all, much less to say sorry. You didn't think he had even thought twice about the shop.

"You came to apologize," you repeated flatly, shaking your head with a short laugh. "Okay. Go ahead."

The whites of his large eyes widened slightly, making you wonder if it was connected somehow to his real eyes and he was giving you a wide-eyed stare. "Oh, well, I wanted to say I'm sorry for what happened last night, with the bank. I feel really bad about it-"

"Do you feel bad?" You questioned, feeling the anger from earlier returning. "Do you really feel bad? Because last night it didn't seem that way."

He paused for a moment. "I did, I just had to leave...quickly. The police were coming."

"Ah," you tapped your temple, "The police. Alright. So you had to leave cause, technically, you helped cause the damage, right?"

"That's not why," he protested, then cut off for a minute before continuing. "Look, I know you're upset, but I had to leave because I have an identity to protect and the police aren't exactly on my side right now."

You just shook your head, folding your arms around yourself and looking to the left, not saying anything. He tried to apologize and it seemed sincere, but it wasn't like he could change the situation.

"I really am sorry about what happened," he said again in a stressed tone, and you believed him. But it didn't make it any better.

"Sorry doesn't change anything," you said coldly as you looked back to him, "You saved me, and I appreciate it. But I wouldn't have needed saving if you hadn't interfered where you didn't belong."

"I was just-"

"It doesn't matter!" You threw your hands up, "I don't know how you got your hero complex or whatever, but there are consequences to your actions. And the sucky part is that you aren't the one that's paying for the mistakes you make. My family is."

You took a deep breath, trying to keep the tears out of your eyes. "Please, don't come back here. You're not helping."

Before he could reply, you shut the window with a slam, drawing the blinds so you wouldn't see him and he wouldn't see you. You watched his shadow move a hand toward his head, like he wanted to run his hand through his hair and didn't realize he had the mask one. You heard him huff in frustration before finally standing up straight, raising his arm and shooting a web, swinging away.

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