60. And They Were Roommates - Part Six

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a/n: I'm making this seven parts because I honestly, truly, completely, 100%, have no self control ever. and um. don't hate me when you read this pls :) 

warnings: some angst, mentions of anxiety, language, mentions of kidnapping (yeah this escalates a bit quickly ngl), mentions of death (no one dies I promise), but like...a lot of fluff too

reminder: requests are closed!

"It's not that funny."

"The hell it isn't," MJ was laughing harder than you'd ever seen, tears forming at the edges of her eyes while she actually slapped her knee. "He gave you a thumbs up! After-after kissing your forehead like it's fucking 1950 and it's too scandalous to actually kiss-"

"It sounds sweet," Elise put in, rolling her eyes as her girlfriend continued to cackle, "He was probably just nervous."

"It's such a Peter Parker thing to do," MJ wiped her eyes, "Of course that loser chickened out of kissing you."

"He wasn't going to kiss me," you protested, "He-he was just being nice."

Elise and MJ exchanged a look, something you noticed them doing during pretty much the entire conversation. The whole head kissing "incident" had happened last night and Peter hadn't talked to you since then. He got back after you were asleep and he was passed out on his bed when you left to meet MJ and Elise for breakfast before they headed back to school, and you didn't want to wake him up with how tired he looked. And if you were honest, you didn't want to talk with him about it at all, thinking you were probably reading too into it.

"Y/N, I know you aren't that stupid," MJ said bluntly, "Would Ned ever kiss your forehead?"


"Would Ned have stuck by your side the entirety of the Christmas party, and flirted with you the whole time?" Elise added, and you already started shaking your head.


"Would Ned have gotten you that really cheesy gift for Christmas that took hours to make because he wanted it to be really special?"

"It's not like that-"

"Y/N, that boy has liked you for as long as you've known each other, and I don't understand why you can't see that," MJ finished, crossing her arms. "Even during that whole time-out period you guys had, he still got this look on his face whenever your name was brought up in conversation, and I heard him ask Ned several times how you were doing."

You were silent for minute, staring down at your empty plate with a frown. "I'm not getting my hopes up just to be disappointed again, guys."

MJ shrugged, "I'm just telling you the facts, Y/N, do with them what you will."

"And we'd like to see you happy, you know," Elise gave you a smile, "And you have to admit you do seem a lot happier with him than without him."

"Yeah, I know," you hadn't even known her that long but if she could even see that, then you knew it was true. "It's hard to bounce back to how we were, but it's still easier than I thought, and I don't want to go and ruin it with stupid feelings and how he may or may not currently feel about me, okay?"

"Yeah, well, let's move on from this talk about some dumb boy," MJ waved her hand, giving her girlfriend a look, "We came here for breakfast before we leave so we can visit with Y/N, not talk about her straight people problems."

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