111. Boys and Girls

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a/n: we reached 2.5 million reads and I just...that is so insane to me. I've been writing this book for over four years now and it's been incredible to see how far it has gone, and how much my writing has changed (and hopefully improved lol) since I stared writing back in 2016! those of you that have been here since the beginning, I love you guys so much and admire you for sticking with me through my messy first imagines. for those of you that are new, thank you for reading my stories and sending me all the comments, messages, and likes - they've inspired me to keep writing and make me actually enjoy it more :)

thank you thank you thank you

anyway, sappy moment over, this is another mix of requests - I hope you guys don't mind me combining them, sometimes it's just hard to make a longer fic out of one request that doesn't have a lot of detail, you know? also, I have so many requests that it would take me ages if I only used one :/

also I'm writing a miraculous ladybug fic now if any of you guys that are mlb fans want to check it out I would be so happy :) it's right under this book on my profile! 

this is somewhat based on the song "boys and girls" by james tw as per the request! 

warnings: some angst, lots of mentions of drinking and actual drinking, jealous peter, anddddd language as always

italics are memories

You frowned at Ned, "You didn't tell me Peter was coming."

Really, you shouldn't have been surprised when you saw his familiar brown curls among the other people at this party. Of course Ned was going to invite his best friend to his house-warming (apartment-warming, more like - it wasn't like any of you could afford houses in New York). 

"Well, you guys are 'friends' now, so I didn't think it would matter," Ned winked. You had to resist the urge to clock him on the back of his head.

"Whatever." You crossed your arms and watched your ex-boyfriend see you both, smile, and walk over without any hesitation.

It wasn't like you didn't see Peter often. In fact, it was hard not to, since you both shared the same friend group for years - and that hadn't changed before, during, and after you dated. For several months it was an awkward dance of how one of you could see your friends while the other just avoided the group like the plague. But things changed, you both went to college and matured, and you were both actively trying to be friends again. 

For some reason it wasn't as easy as you'd hoped.

"Hey guys," Peter grinned when he came up, doing that handshake with Ned that they'd had since middle school. You tried not to roll your eyes. "Nice place, Ned."

"Thanks, man. I'm gonna go save Betty from having to talk to Max any longer, I'll be back in a bit!" You didn't miss yet another wink he shot you as he left. Maybe something was wrong with his eye. Yeah, that was it.

"How've you been?" Peter asked, shoving his hands in his pockets and smiling at you. Even you could tell it was a little forced. 

"Good, yeah. Just school," you shrugged, trying to think of what else to even say. This was the first time you were technically alone with him in...God, you couldn't even remember. "How's the, uh, internship?"

"It's good. I've kind of put it on the back burner since there are a lot of new...interns, now, so I have some more free time which is nice."

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