Updates & Infinity War (No Spoilers)

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hey guys! I just wanted to give some updates on a few things, please read these as they are super super important.

some people have been commenting spoilers for infinity war in the comments on my imagines. this is so so not okay. guys a lot of us (me included) haven't seen the movie yet - when you leave a comment on here about something that happened (even if it's small) that ruins a part of the movie for all of us who haven't seen it. I have seen spoilers on here that I wished I hadn't, because I want to go into the movie with fresh eyes. unfortunately there isn't a system like on tumblr where you can blacklist tags to avoid spoilers. so please don't ruin the movie for us by posting spoilers on my comment sections, even if you put a "spoiler" warning ahead of time. just don't do it.

also. I plan to update revelations every week. I work now so it might be difficult to do that, but I'm trying my best. please do not bug me about posting a new chapter/new request. I'm not a machine that can spit out imagines. I totally understand if you guys are excited about it, but when I get more pressure to push out imagines faster, it stresses me out and makes it less likely for me to post it on time.

revelations part five should be up on saturday, sunday at the latest. if it's not up by then I do apologize and it likely means something in my personal life came up. every update should be posted on a saturday. please do not beg me to update, especially if I just posted the chapter and it hasn't been a week yet.

I'm sorry if I sound snippy guys, this week has been pretty long and between the constant messages about updating and the spoilers I saw for infinity war, I'm not in the best mood. hope you guys understand (and I do appreciate you all so much for the kind comments and for being so patient with me all the time).

love you guys, enjoy infinity war!

edit: okay so I literally just posted this and some people thought it would be funny to comment spoilers on this chapter. I deleted the comments and I will do so with any future ones. I really don't understand why some of you think it's funny to post that, especially when I just asked you not to. It's not hard to be a decent person and let other people see the movie without knowing what's going to happen. come on guys.

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