91. All These Years - Part Two

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a/n: glad you guys liked the first part :) I meant it when I said it wouldn't be long before the next part was up lol.


warnings: language, some angst, I think that's it? 

reminder: requests are currently CLOSED!

Peter was sitting with you in the laundromat a few blocks from campus, as he usually did on Fridays when you washed your clothes for the week. The in-house laundry machines charged way too much money, but you also didn't feel comfortable being by yourself at a laundromat at night, the only time you had to go.

Peter was more than willing to spend the time to go with you, and it had been a tradition for you both since freshman year to bring your laundry on Friday nights and hang out in the laundromat for a few hours.

You were almost done with your laundry, listening as Peter's phone buzzed a few times. Based on his next words, it was from the group chat.

"Please, we cannot let Ned make us watch Weird Science for the fifth time," Peter groaned, shoving his hands over his face, "If I have to sit through that again tomorrow, I might have to throw myself off a roof without my web shooters."

Your brain seemed to register what he was saying, that your monthly movie nights with your friends was tomorrow. You usually switched off who drove up to Boston or down to New York, since the drive was long. This time Ned and MJ would be coming down, but not Betty - she apparently had a big test to study for.

And you had completely lost track of time.

"Tomorrow?" You asked, folding your last shirt. "Shit, is it already the end of the month?"

"Yes, silly," he flicked your nose, and you swatted his hand away. "Tomorrow is in fact Saturday."

"Shit, I'm sorry, Peter," you frowned, "I forgot it was the last Saturday of the month. I'm going on a date tomorrow, I won't be able to make it."

Peter stared at you like you just spoke another language. "What?"

"I said, I can't come out tomorrow, because I have a date," you repeated slowly, giving him a look, "I definitely wasn't mumbling so you can blame your bad hearing on that this time."

"With who?" He seemed shocked, and you weren't sure if you should have been offended by that reaction or not.

"Cindy, remember her? You've only met her about a hundred times," you joked, but he didn't laugh, which wasn't really like him. "You alright there?"

"I thought you said you didn't like her like that," he stated flatly.

You remembered the day she asked you out, feeling flattered and flustered at the same time. She was really pretty and kind and you were low-key kicking yourself for not saying yes, and you still couldn't figure out why you rejected her so quickly. Peter asked why you looked funny when you hung out with him later that day, and you told him she asked you out, but you ended up saying no, giving him the excuse that you only saw her as a friend.


"I mean, I didn't think I did at the time," you shrugged, feeling a little defensive, "But she's cute and funny and she's interested in me, and I could see myself liking her, so I don't see a problem with going on a date and seeing where it goes."

Peter huffed, and you gave him a look. "Hey, it's just a movie night. We have it every month, you don't need to be so annoyed about me missing just one night."

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