|1| New Beginnings

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"Ne, Shizune Nee-Chan, How long till we arrive?"  

"Have some patience Kiyoshi, we're almost there" She replied.

"Hai~" I groaned.

We were heading to Konohagakure. Baa-san had some important messages and scrolls to give to the Third Hokage so, sent us there. But it's taking forever to reach! After walking for like an hour or so I saw the gates to the village.

Yay! almost there!

When we reached the gates two guys stopped us. "Halt! Who goes there?" One with a bandaged nose asked. Nee-Chan then showed the guys some paper and they let us in after bowing. We started making way towards the Hokage tower

I looked around the village a bit. It's nice I guess. Well, it is my birthplace I'm told. 

We reached the Hokage's office and knocked, to which we were met with a muffled 'come in'. And so we did. We both bowed to the Sandaime Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen. He looked . . .old. Well, he was Baa-Chan's sensei. He looked at us in an inspecting graze.

The office was filled with lots and lots of paperwork. Yikes. It must take forever to finish that. There was a faint smell of smoke. Way to be professional Sandaime-Sama.

"Hokage-Sama," Shizune Nee-Chan greeted. "I'm Shizune, an apprentice of Tsunade-Sama, The Legendary Sanin. And this is Senju Kiyoshi." His eyes widened a bit as if not expecting something. "We came to deliver a message from my master." She finished and walked towards his desk, leaving a letter on it.

"I see," He said after reading the letter. He turned to face me, "Well, I suppose we can arrange." He smiled. "Welcome to Konohagakure, Kiyoshi." 

My eyes widened. "Eh?" I turned to Shizune-Nee only to see her smiling at me. "What is he talking about?" I asked narrowing my eyes.

"Ah, you see, Tsunade-Sama thought it's best for you to live in Konoha now."

What the- "What!? Why?"

"You know very well why." She came closer and touched the scar on my right cheek, under my eye. I swatted her hand away. "We can't just compromise your safety, and to her, Konoha's the safest place for you."

I looked down with a frown on my face. I know she's right. I know there is no point in arguing with her but seriously? Making me stay in Konoha without even letting me have a say in it? That's unacceptable!

"Okay, I see your point." I tried to be calm about this. "But I didn't even pack my stuff."

"That's no problem." She took out some scrolls- . . .Don't tell me that- "Your stuff is right here."

 Irk marks appeared on my forehead. So that's what the scrolls were about! "I- you know what never mind." I sighed. "Fine! I'll stay here." I grumbled with a frown still present on my face.

She grinned and hugged me. "Alright! Now you take care. We will be sending you letters and we expect you to send us some as well." She said as she turned to the Hokage and bowed. "I'll be taking my leave now."

"Woah, wait a minute." She stopped in her tracks. "You're leaving already!? At least stay for an hour or so."

She smiled gently at me and placed her hand on top of my head. "I'm sorry, but I can't. Tsunade-Sama asked me to come as soon as I drop you here. So she can get an update on you."  

Then why did she not even come to drop me herself? That's why she was being weird in the morning, wasn't it?

"Fine. . ." I turned to face the Hokage.

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