|42| Two New Techniques

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We soon arrived at a large town. It was pretty lively. It also had a festival set up. Naruto was eyeing some food while his mouth watered a bit.

"Downtime is important. So have a little fun before we start training. This festival will be going in for a while. We'll bunker down here until it's over then your training starts." Jiji said. Naruto cheered.

He pulled out a frog wallet which held a lot of money in it. "Oh man, that's one fat frog. You're filthy rich!" Jiji complimented.

Naruto chuckled. "Yeah, I have a big stash. Kiyo-Chan helped me in saving!" I smiled feeling accomplished. Money is very, very important. I made that fact clear for him.

Before Naruto could put his wallet back, Jiji snatched it away. "Ah, ah. Here," He handed him a small amount of money. "Don't spend too much. Remember the three Ninja prohibitions." 

And he lost me there.

"C'mon Kiyoshi, hand over your wallet to me as well." Jiji brought out a hand in front of me. I stared at him with a blank face. "No." He sweatdropped. "I know how to handle money just fine unlike you, thank you very much. I'll keep it with me." I said and pulled Naruto along with me.

I'm most likely gonna spoil him through the festival but who cares?

"So, where do you wanna go first?" I asked. Naruto smiled brightly and pulled me along. "There! Let's go and play the game dattebayo!"

He dragged me to the stand and I saw it was an aiming game. I hummed and looked at all the prices. Most of them were stuffed animals. My eyes then landed on a hairpin. Not gonna lie, it was pretty. Engraved in it were ruby red stones. Naruto followed my line of sight and found what I was looking at. 

"Hey! How many aims for that hairpin?" He asked. The man running the stall turned to him. "Five, think you can do it, kid? One ticket's 100 yen."

 Naruto nodded determinedly and paid the man. He took the five toy kunai's and started aiming. The first three hit the bullseye, no sweat. The fourth one did as well but the fifth one was a bit off. He's improved a lot. Huh, I knew training with him would help!

The man grumbled and gave the hairpin to him. Naruto cheered before turning to me. "Here Kiyo-Chan!" He gave the hairpin to me. I smiled and side hugged him. "Thanks, Naru!"

In return, I won him a fifty kunai set and a wind shuriken. 

The man at the stall was pissed.

We then decided to get some food and man, can the boy eat. I barely let him use any money, I paid for most of the stuff. It was my gambling money so really, who cares?

"Aw, man I'm full." Naruto sighed contently as he rubbed his belly while walking out of the restaurant with me. "Let's go find Ero-Sensin now so we can train dattebayo!" He held two teriyakis in his hands, saying he'd give them to Jiji.

"Alright!" I had him follow me as I followed where Jiji's chakra was and . . .

. . .I seriously have an urge to kick him.

He was inside a building, drinking with two women in both his arms. In front of him was Naruto's wallet.

Naruto's deflated frog wallet.

Naruto jumped and started hitting him on the head repeatedly, teriyaki still in his hands as he shouted about the three shinobi prohibitions.

One squid came loose and flew back. "Watch it! Look what you did you little punk!" I turned to see two men, one wearing a white jack with squid stain on it.

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