|13| Satoru and the Sand Siblings

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"Holy mother of beauty!! THAT'S HER!?" I gaped at the picture. Not just any picture, I gaped at the picture of the most stunningly gorgeous woman. Otherwise known as MY mother.

"Yes, Akame Kumiko. That is your mother, hime." Kakashi Sensei said leaning on a tree. Ever since I activated my Tenketsugan, I've been trying to find out about my parentage more than ever.

I and Naruto tried to sneak in the files of the old man but no. Kakashi just had to catch us.

This idiot also knew damn well who my parents were yet he didn't tell me! He was close with them too! 'It's a family matter and I couldn't have a say in it' he said. I still persuaded him though. Well, more like threatened to burn all his Icha Icha.

"I'm not gonna lie Kiyoshi, your mom's beautiful," Sakura commented looking over my shoulder. Sasuke and Naruto were too. Naruto nodded. "Yeah! You got your looks from her dattebayo!"

"Hn." Sasuke was mainly interested in my dojutsu than anything.

I released a shaky sigh. "Thanks, I guess." I smiled at the picture in my hands. Kakashi sensei came over and patted my head. "Not just the looks but personality-wise too, you're a lot like her." He said and gave me an eye smile.

I beamed at those words.

"Alright, since we have complete missions for today. You guys can go-"

Kakashi was interrupted by a . . .wolf? pouncing up on Naruto from behind me. Sakura screamed and Sasuke prepared a stance.

I ran over to them and pried the thing off of Naruto and helped him up. "You ok there buddy?" I asked receiving a nod. "Yea-yeah."

The wolf growled at us. It looked quite dangerous and powerful. Yet, Kakashi sensei wasn't doing anything. Naruto and Sasuke came by both my sides in a stance.

I turned my Tenketsugan on hoping that will help me follow his moments. The second I activated it, the wolf clammed down. I blinked not expecting that reaction. Sasuke relaxed and so did Naruto.

He bowed, "I'm sorry for the trouble. I had to be sure it's you. My sincerest greetings Hime-Sama." I grew more confused. He approached me. "My name is Satoru, I was previously Kumiko-Sama's summoning and I have come to Konohagakure in hopes of finding you. Looks like my efforts were not wasted."

He's so damn formal! Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura were watching the scene unravel with quite the interest.

Wait, he's my mother's summoning? "Satoru-san, it's good to see you again." Kakashi sensei said and made his presence known to Satoru.

The latter turned and widened his eyes. "Kakashi boy, is that you? You've grown." He acknowledged. Sensei smiled sheepishly. "Ah."

This is too much for my brain!

I think the same was said for my teammates who continued to stare at the scene with confusion.

Not being able to comprehend anything just made me want to sulk. So I made a wooden corner to do that while hugging my knees. Naruto sighed while others sweatdropped at my behavior. "I'm utterly confused."

"You won't be for long. Come along Hime-Sama, I have a lot to inform you about." Satoru said and came next to me. I stopped sulking and faced him. "Uh, No offense but I don't exactly know if to trust you or not since you attacked my best friend." Naruto made an agreeing sound.

He nodded. "That reaction was expected. I take no offense to that but I assure you, you can trust me since my loyalty lies with you and you only."

I blinked and took in his words. "You can trust him hime," Kakashi spoke up seeing my hesitation.

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