|46| The Necklace

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What? Did she just reject the offer to be a fucking Hokage!?

"Baa-chan why the hell would you- I- huh!?" I was way too stunned to even form a sentence. She merely glanced at me before resuming to keep her eyes uninterested and narrowed on Jiji.

"You know, it's kind of funny. That rings a bell. I remember you saying those very words the first and only time I ever asked you out."

I deadpanned and turned to him. "You. . .what?"

"Will someone tell me what's going on dattebayo?! You said we'd bring her back to the village so she can cure Kakashi-Sensei and Teme!" Naruto yelled while rubbing his head furiously.

Jiji sighed. "Don't worry, Naruto. She knows she can't refuse. There can be no one else. There was no one who contributed more to Konoha's victory in the Great War. She combines unrivaled skills as a warrior with the ability to heal others. What's more, she is the granddaughter of Shodai Hokage. So in heritage and abilities, she is the clear and only choice to be Godaime."

I smiled in slight pride knowing that I was raised by this warrior. Jiji continued.

"And once she accepts her destiny-" I threw a cushion on his face. My face remained blank as the cushion slowly glided down his face. Nee-Chan sweatdropped.

"What the fuck are you? A Hyuga? I already had to deal with that destiny bullshit so please refrain from using the word. Thank you." I huffed and crossed my arms. 

Jiji explained some things to Naruto and the latter crossed his arms and pouted at that.

"Ha. You're slipping Jiraiya," Baa-Chan started after- wait, when did she get another bottle of sake?! "This apprentice isn't like your last one. He's a fool with a big mouth. Funny looking as well."

Wha- but he's so cute, what do you mean?!

"Oh yeah!?" Naruto shouted.

"Well to be fair," Jiji was not giving up, was he? "it's hard for anyone to measure up to that standard. Yondaime showed all the signs of becoming the greatest ninja in generations. Brimming with talent and natural ability. Brilliant, popular, and to top it off, nearly as handsome as his sensei."

I deadpanned once more. "You know, I have seen his pictures so really the wording should be opposite, you're nowhere near as handsome as he is." Naruto turned to me, an eyebrow raised. "I know I don't talk like this Naru, but like Yondaime's hot. Like very hot." I admitted oh so bluntly.

Naruto made a face. "He's your dad's age. That's gross."

"Oi! I'm not suggesting anything, you idiot! I just complimented him!"

Baa-Chan seemed to be sweatdropping as something like deja vu filled her eyes. "Kiyoshi." I turned to her. "Yeah?" 

"Ton-Ton will take you to the inn we're staying in, if you want anything to eat order it downstairs. It's late so you should go to sleep." I glanced at a clock. Huh, 10 already?

"Alright. . ." I mumbled and got out as Ton-Ton walked in front of me and showed me the way. I glanced back once just to wave at Naruto who waved back at me.


Third Pov

Well, that did not go so well. . .Tsunade thought as she clutched her pendant. At least, at least Kiyoshi didn't hear most of it. Hideyoshi wanted her to love the village, for her to bear the will of fire. . .it wouldn't have helped if she heard me say those things about the damn place.

For someone who just bet her very precious necklace to a kid knowing she always loses bet, Tsunade was more focused on the thought of someone else.

Hideyoshi. . .Why, just why did you have to die otouto. . ? Her eyes brimmed with tears as a memory invaded her mind.


"You idiot!" Tsunade shouted and hit the man she was healing upside the head. "Ow! Nee-San, you're supposed to be healing me, not hurting me further fucking damn it!" Hideyoshi wined.

"Why did you go to the enemy's hideout all alone?! You could have died!"

"But I didn't!"

"But you could have!"

"But then again, I didn't- ouch! Kushina, seriously?! You brought your pan to the war?"

The Uzumaki huffed while wiping her pan where it hit the Senju. "Yes, I knew you'd do something stupid dattebane!"

Hideyoshi's eyes twitched. "Oh wow, gang up on me and proceed to kill me why don't ya?!"

Kumiko smiled sweetly at her husband and pulled his ear. "Ara, We're just concerned for you dear, and didn't you wipe out the whole place? You'd have no trouble defeating us, hm?"

"Ouch! Ow! Kumi-!" The Akame released his ear. Her husband grumbled and rubbed at it. "First of all, in case you forgot; I don't hit women, never have, never will. Second, Minato man up and help a brother out!"

The flash flinched at the glares the females threw him. "I- um I- uh.  . ."

Tsunade sighed and healed up the last wound on her otouto's back. "Just. . .just be careful when you're out on the battlefield okay? I can't lose you as well. .  ."

Hideyoshi sighed, knowing she meant her late lover and his older brother who he never met. "Nah, you're fine. You have a pretty fucking awesome man for a broth- OW!" She had slapped his fresh bandage.


The memory almost made her smile. Almost. The smile stopped from happening by remembering that those little moments of laughter were gone, erased, not coming back for good.

It was scary how similar Kiyoshi turned out to be like her father, despite him not being there. She remembered all too well how the news of Hideyoshi's death shattered her.

She was frozen for two minutes straight before she started shaking and tears escaped her eyes. She sobbed uncontrollably for an hour or two.

At the funeral, she saw her niece was still there. She got to know, that her sister-in-law and her brother had entrusted Kiyoshi with her.

She simply couldn't fail them.

But, the pain of their death was still heavy. She did not speak a word about them to Kiyoshi. Nothing.

Maybe it lessened the pain, maybe it didn't. 

"If you learn the Rasengan in one week, I'll give you the necklace but if you fail. . .Kiyoshi will not return to Konoha with you, she'll stay with me."

"Huh?! That's not fair dattebayo!"

Life isn't fair.

Tsunade thought that maybe Konoha could protect her from the assassinations.

She thought wrong. Orochimaru attacked her instead.

She rather have Kiyoshi with her than let her be anywhere near that old man Danzo now that Hiruzen is gone.

Kiyoshi will not end up like every other person important to her, Tsunade vowed.

A/N: I'm lazy. That's my excuse. I have honors class, leave me alone.

Also, the extras book is published, go check it out!


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