|17| Forest of Death

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"I hate to say it but, this place gives me the creeps." I shuddered at the sight of the so-called Forest of death. "Maybe it's just Anko's presence," I whispered to Naruto.

"Maybe." He whispered back. He then straightened up and put his arms behind his head. "Nice place, but what is it?" He asked.

"This is the location for the second half of the exam. It's the 44th battle training zone. But we call it the forest of death." Anko explained smirking at all of our expressions.

I flinched when she caught my eye. Anko giggled and winked at me blowing a kiss. I shivered and hid behind my team. They sweatdropped at the sight.

Anko smirked and looked around at the other participant's face, making me relax a bit. Something caught my attention from the corner of my eye. An all too familiar rock with an all too familiar chakra signature.

Naruto followed my line of sight and saw the rock. He started moving away from it and it followed him, then he started running back and forth with the rock still following him.

"That's the worst disguise of all time! There's no such thing as square rocks dattebayo!" Naruto yelled while pointing at the, should it even be considered a rock?

"You saw through my camouflage again! You're slick, boss!" Konohamru said and the disguise blew up into a big smoke cloud. Konohamaru and his friends were on the ground coughing. That's . . .pathetic.

Once the three kids realized we were all watching they quickly introduced themselves. I didn't want to hear that so I turned my focus elsewhere.

I looked over at the candidates, Ame genins, Oto genins, Taki genins, Iwa genins, Kumo genins, Suna genins, and Kusa genins. Hm? The Kusa genin's chakra signature is rather. . . powerful to just be a genin's. I blinked. Strange, why did it suddenly decrease? 

"Hime-Sama." I turned around to see Satoru next to me. I raised an eyebrow. "I thought I said that I-"

"Forgive me for interrupting you, but could I talk to you for a moment?"

I was taken aback by his slightly panicked behavior. He was more stiff than usual as well. I brought a hand up and scratched at my nape. "I don't know, Anko is about to start explaining about the exam and we're to start in a minute."

Satoru didn't seem fazed. "That's alright. Follow me." I did so as we made our way to the podium where Anko was eating dangos.

"Anko," Satoru called out. She turned to face him and almost fell yelping. "Woa- What the hell you're still alive!?" She yelled. Does she know him? 

"It would seem so." Satoru deadpanned. Anko then quickly sprang to her feet and dusted her clothes off, giving him a nervous smile. "A-ah, well, wh-what do you need?" 

She's- She's afraid of him!?!? Anko? The snake mistress? What the fuck?

"I would like you to postpone the exams for a while. I have some information that needs to be delivered." He stated calmly. Anko sweated and nodded rapidly, "Su-sure!" and ran to the other examiners.

I blinked twice. "She's afraid of you. . ." I trailed off.

"That does not matter at the moment, please come with me." Satoru motioned me towards a clearing where a bench was present. I sat atop of it and he sat on his hind legs in front of me.

"What is it? You sure seem panicked."

He sighed before tossing me a scroll. Where the hell that came from-? "I'm afraid I can't disclose much about the topic, but please refrain from using you're Tenketsugan and wood release inside the forest."

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