|53| Rippuku

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The most anticipated day had come. Everyone stood in front of the Hokage tower, waiting for the Godaime Hokage to get the hat. I spotted my team in the front row- as I had them slip there. 

I stood in a white haori with the kanji for fire in red on my back- as all family members of the Hokage are supposed to. My hair was let loose as it cascaded down my hip. My hair grew. . .I didn't even notice.

I was not wearing my headband so the Byakugou seal on my forehead was visible. My necklace dangled freely around my neck. 

I watched as Baa-chan took the hat and stood in front of the railing. The village erupted in cheers for their new Hokage. I smiled proudly at her as did Shizune-Nee and Jiji who stood next to me in their usual outfit.

After the whole formalities, a cameraman insisted on a family picture. Baa-chan wore the Hokage's cape and everything and had her arm slung around my shoulder. We both smiled and the camera flashed.

I was then allowed to roam freely until the dreaded hours of clan head meeting would come.

I jumped down the railing and landed next to Sakura who jumped a bit at my sudden appearance. "Don't scare me like that Kiyoshi!" She yelled and hit my arm. I laughed a bit. "Sorry!"

She examined me. "You look good and wow, your hair is quite long. . ." She unconsciously reached up to stroke her chopped hair. I smiled. "Thanks and don't worry Sakura, your hair will grow back."

"Huh? Oh, yeah." 

The boys were having their conversation to notice us. Well, Naruto was shouting at Sasuke who wasn't paying him any attention and Kakashi sensei tried to calm both the boys. I sweatdropped at the usual scene. 

"Yo! Kakashi!" Gai sensei's voice boomed out and we all turned to see him and the other senseis- Kurenai and Asuma- walking towards us with their students minus Lee. Which kind of pained me as I remembered my talk with Nee-Chan.


"Kiyoshi, you operated on Lee didn't you?" She asked as she looked through his papers. I nodded in response.

"That explains how he can still stand. Otherwise. . .in anyway I and Tsunade-Sama both don't think he'll be able to continue as a shinobi anymore. . ."


Lee has such high potential, he was able to open the gates at this age. . .I hate how that all has to go to waste.

I mentally shook my head and focused on the conversation the others were having. 

"-Celebrate with some barbeque?" I blinked. I must have missed a lot.

"Whaddya say Kiyo-Chan? Ramen or barbeque?" Naruto turned to me and asked. I tilted my head. Not in the mood for a barbecue. I am craving some Ichiraku Ramen though-

"Ramen." Naruto and Choji high-five like I helped them win a tiebreaker, while Ino groaned. I smirked but then it flattered as I felt that certain chakra signature coming towards us.

I snapped my neck in that direction and my eyes widened. "What the. . .?" The others, with confused looks, turned their heads toward my line of vision. I saw the senseis turn stiff.

"Is that-" Kurenai sensei asked. "Yes." Gai sensei answered. "Holy-" Asuma began. "Shit." Kakashi sensei finished.

"What? Who is that?" Shikamaru questioned.

I walked in front and stopped when I stood in front of them. "Oji-San? Tamiko?" I was totally confused. Both the Akame had a strict aura like usual but right now it seemed even stricter. 

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