|48| Orochimaru's offer

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Naruto trained on his chakra sphere-y Jutsu for the next few days while I trained on the hashirin. 

Like last time, I pinned the kunai onto a tree bark and stood distantly from it. Okay, breath in. I inhaled. Breathe out. I exhaled while closing my eyes. Focusing on my chakra, I felt it all over me. It was right under my skin. But to use this technique, I needed my chakra to be felt outside, for it to leave my body and present itself on the kunai I marked.






I opened my eyes to see I was right in front of the tree. 5 seconds. That's two seconds better than last time.

Am I going to hurl again or. . .

My unfished question was answered when I threw up bile. I groaned as I spat out the last of it. My throat stung. After washing myself up, I went back to the inn for some tea.

I sat down at the table and quietly sipped some mocha tea. The tea wasn't as tasty as the one back in Konoha but it's not that bad either.

"Slacking off already?" Asked Jiji as he seated himself right in front of him. For some reason, I felt the need to be defensive. "I was training since 5 am, I'll have you know." 

"So I take it you have made progress on the seal?"

"Well, It was 7 seconds before and now it's 5, but it's not enough so I'll be going back."

He said nothing but kept staring at me. "You know, I heard from ANBU's that Orochimaru used Edo Tensei to bring back Shodaime and Nidaime Hokage from the dead. . .and you engaged in a battle with your ancestors."

I took a deep breath in before gulping down the tea. "I did." What's he trying to get at?

He knows this information already and even if he 90% of the time acts like it, Jiraiya The Toad Sage is no fool.

Suddenly the tension in his shoulders went away as if he found the solution to a problem he's been trying hard to crack. Jiji smiled. "I see. Well, back to training you go, I still have to teach you the Bidogan, remember?"

Three dark lines appeared on my forehead. "I almost forgot about that. . ."


I groaned sitting up. Yup, waking up in the mornings just wasn't my thing.

I stretched out my limbs and rolled out of the bed. After coming out of the bathroom, I was about to go to the field but then I noticed a body laying on the floor.

I stilled. Nobody but me, Baa-Chan, and Nee-chan had the keys to our room. But then the body's chakra signature settled in my mind. Jiji. . .

Don't tell me he drank too much after getting rejected by a woman again. Tic marks appeared on my forehead as I reached over to wake the man up.

I shook him a few times. He didn't budge. Then, I noticed something. He wasn't sleeping, he was poisoned. Not the lethal one but the paralyzing one. 

"Who could. . ." I trailed off before something clicked. The only one who could've done this. Baa-Chan.

But why? Did he ask her out or something. . .?

I healed him the best I could, he wouldn't fully be recovered just quarterly. Jiji slowly started opening his eyes then he jerked up in a sitting position making me jerk back and fall on my butt.

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