|7| Momochi Zabuza

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"Woah! It's huge!" Naruto exclaimed at the sight of the bridge. That's what she- ok no stop. Naruto was sitting on my right and Kakashi on my left. Sasuke and Sakura sat opposite us and Tazuna sat next to them.

"Keep it down! Why do you think we're not using the motor!" The guy sailing the boat scolded Naruto. 

"Tazuna," Kakashi called "Now would be a good time to explain otherwise we're not continuing the mission." Tazuna nodded.

"I understand, you see the one who's after my life is a short man with a deadly shadow, you've probably heard of him before... The shipping magnet Gato." 

Kakashi perks at the name. "Gato? As in Gato Transport?" he asked. That shady midget?

"Hai. Officially he runs a large shipping company but secretly he sells drugs and other illegal items using ninja and gang members to do his dirty work." Shady indeed.

"Why would someone like him be after you?" I questioned suddenly the story's piquing my interest.

"Gato controls the seas. Since the Land of Waves is an island nation, the man who controls the water surrounding it controls everything. The wealth of this country all goes to him. If this bridge is built, then we will be connected to the mainland, and he won't have control of our land anymore." he explained the situation.

I somehow am starting to have a bit of respect for this man.

Sasuke, Sakura, and I quickly caught on, Naruto looked a bit confused but caught on as well.

"Look, if you want to quit the mission right now I'll understand. Don't worry about it! If I die then my cute little grandson will just cry for a few days. Ah! and my daughter will live a sad life hating Konoha ninjas for leaving her defenseless father forever. But don't worry, it won't be your fault! Not at all!!" he laughed.

Respect gone. He tried guilt-tripping us instead of asking us nicely. Jerk! I looked over to see it working on my teammates and sensei. Not so fast!

"We won't worry about it. When we get to the shore we'll leave you on your own." He choked on mist. Naruto snorted.


"You just assured us, didn't you? You're the one who dug his own grave. It's your fault you have unqualified genins to protect you. And you won't even ask nicely. . ." I trailed off for the dramatic effect. Kakashi looked at me with amusement in his one visible eye and a bit of. . .nostaligia? I guess? Nah!

"Sorry! I'm sorry! please protect me!!" Tazuna pleaded. I smirked. "Now that's the way!" Naruto nudged me and flashed a foxy grin at me. I replied with a smile of my own.

When we got to shore, Naruto became alert. I mean, acting as though he is. "Over there!" Naruto startled us by throwing a shuriken towards a bush, it didn't hit anything but the tree behind it. He's being too energetic.

"Naruto, only throw weapons if your sure something is there! If not, then save us all a heart attack!" Sakura scolded, giving him an annoyed glance.

Despite that, Naruto kept throwing shurikens here and there. "Right there!" Naruto threw a kunai this time. Sakura went and inspected what he had hit this time and out came a little fluffy rabbit.

A white rabbit. In the summer. When their fur is supposed to be white in the winter. Something ain't right...

Just as I finished with that thought Kakashi yelled. "Get down!" He tackled Tazuna to the ground. Sasuke tackled Sakura and Naruto. I jumped in the air. A massive sword came hurling and I landed on top of it. 

I whistled. "Dang, This is one fine ass sword!" A dark chuckle caught my attention, I looked to where the sound came from and saw, who I think is, Momochi Zabuza. He had started releasing KI, a huge amount of KI.

"Thank you, but your standing on it." He stated, ripped the sword out, and swung it at me. I dodged it by ducking and then I jumped, landing near Naruto.

"Momochi Zabuza. . .rouge of the hidden mist," Kakashi announced. So I am not wrong. The ex-member of the seven swordsmen of the mist has come to pay us a visit. This is going to be troublesome. 

"Everyone, Manji Formation! Protect the bridge builder at any cost!" Kakashi instructed and we did not object.

"Well, Well, Well..." Zabuza's voice rang out. "If it isn't The Copy Ninja Kakashi. It's truly a pleasure to meet you."

I smirked. Who am I kidding? I have Hatake Kakashi as my sensei. I have nothing to fear.

I looked back to see my teammates looking at sensei with a quizzical expression. Oh, they don't know?

"If we are going to battle. . ." Kakashi put his hands on his headband lifting it, "Then I'm gonna have to use this!"

I heard Sasuke gasp at the sight of his blood-red eye with three tomeos. They looked so much similar to his. Though his eyes were much more remarkable.

"The Sharingan..."

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