|5| Survival Test

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They. . .look like zombies. Sleep-deprived zombies. I guess they are not used to waking up this early. I tried not to sweatdrop at the sight. I'm immune to mornings because of Shizune Nee-Chan's wake-up-water-bucket tactics.

Uchiha was trying to be more subtle about it but I could see through his act. Pfft, even the almighty duckling is defeated by early mornings!

Now, I don't have anything against the guy but I don't particularly like him either. I mean it's in my blood so can ya blame me? I don't hate all Uchihas though. I mean I enjoyed Shi- his company. He was nice and didn't have a stick up his ass, unlike most of them. I wish he didn't die though. . .

"Ohayo. . .Kiyo-chan." Naruto greeted slurring his words. "O-Ohayo." I greeted back with an awkward expression.

"How long do you think Kakashi sensei will take?" Sakura asked yawning. I shrugged. "Don't know. Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna go and defy gravity." I didn't wait for their response and made my way to a clearing.

Since I have large chakra reserves I had trouble with this activity but I think I've got the hang of it now. It's a great warm-up. After running up the trees a few times (3 times to be exact) I decided to become Jesus. After that, I came back to where the three were and sat with my legs crisscrossed. 

Time to meditate I guess.


"You're late!"

"Holy fuck stop shouting!"



A long and loud sigh came from Kakashi sensei. "A black cat crossed my path so that's why I'm late."

Yeah sure~

He dug his hands in his pocket and took out 3 bells. "You see this? Your objective is to get these bells from me."

Why does that sound so familiar? Oh, wait! I know! Baa-chan told me about this! Damn, he takes being the copy ninja to another level. 

After he explained everything, I ran over to hide in a bush. It's a nice hiding spot since the bushes are heavy and covering me completely. If I'm right then the main objective of this exercise is teamwork. Now the hard part. Getting the team to do it.

I silently watched as Naruto stood tall in front of Kakashi-sensei. Not really he looked like a mouse compared to him

"You and me right now fair and square let's go!" He said with his arms crossed over his chest. I blinked. . . And that is how I lost my friend Naruto due to his stupidity

"You know compared to the others you're a bit weird." Kakashi Sensei said looking sort of confused.

"Oh yeah? The only thing weird here is your haircut!" Naruto mocked before lunging at him. I facepalmed. Nope, not seeing this.

"Shinobi battle teachiques part one; Taijutus, the physical part." I heard Kak- fuck it, 'sensei' say.

I concealed my chakra and fell back towards where the rest of them are. I found Sasuke in a tree and Sakura near a bush. After kidnap- I mean pulling them with me with them protesting, I landed in a clearing where the trees were covering us. 

"Listen up, sensei is playing mind games with us. There's no way a jonin will be defeated by fresh out of academy genins, being you guys. We need to work together-" 

"No. You will only slow me down." Here comes the asshole. "Need I remind you that I scored higher than you?" I said in a matter of factly tone. He scoffed and jumped away.

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