|35| The Byakugou

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"I knew I was gonna use it but I didn't think it would be this way. . ."  I muttered and lifted my headband to be positioned on my head, like Sakura. Upon seeing the purple diamond, Sandaime, Orochimaru and the previous Hokages took a sharp inhale.

"That's the-!" The old man exclaimed with wide eyes. Orochimaru scowled. 

"Byakugou seal at this age? That's truly something." Granduncle said, even though his body was being controlled by Orochimaru, he could still use his voice. 

I smirked and released it. The seal spread out in four black lines and started covering my body. A powerful rush of chakra entered me. I wasted no time in body flicking in front of Orochimaru and kicking his face.

He harshly skidded on the ground and landed in a crouch position when he stopped. The reanimated people were in front of me, they turned and were about to strike but I used wood style to protect myself and body flicker back to where I was.

"What the-! wood style?" Grandpa said or. . .asked? Dunno.

"I am your great-granddaughter you know?" I said and turned to Sandaime. "You take the second and Orochimaru, I'll take grandpa. He's equal to both. . ." Three lines appeared but then disappeared just as quickly when they dashed at us. 

"Got it!" Oldman exclaimed and went to fight his battle with the second while I turned to fight with my lovely grandpa-

Who kicked me in the gut making me fly back a little. I stopped in a crouch position and then stood up. "Ow, that hurt," I said dryly as I tasted a metallic taste.

He had three huge dark purplish lines on his forehead despite having a stoic face and in a stance body. "I'm so sorry my sweet child!" 

He charged at me again. I leaned back to avoid what could have been a fracturing punch in the face. He swiped his legs down making me lose my balance but I used my hands to cartwheel out of the kill zone.

Damn, and he hasn't even started yet!

I weaved hand signs while backflipping. "Suihou no Jutsu!" The stream of boiling water shot towards him but he used wood-style to block it. When his wall came down, grandpa's eyes widened at seeing me. I punched his face using extra force making him fly back a bit. "Sorry!"

'That won't hurt. The guy can summon Hashirama from the dead but he can't control him enough to make him use his full power, he's holding back, this is barely 3 percent '  My breath hitched at the voice. That's the same voice I heard during the preliminaries. This voice was different from the one that helped me break Orochimaru's genjutsu in the forest of death. This voice was much more amused.

I took a deep breath and charged. If this is barely 3%, I don't want to battle him with 100%.  Bringing my foot up, I tried slamming it on top of him but he of fucking course had to block it.

"You're strength is just like Tsuna! Wait. . . don't tell me you're her daughter!?" He questioned with a straight face but his voice was curious.

"Uh, no. More like trained by her. She's my aunt." I said as I jumped back. "Oh, I see! How nice!"

I activated my Teketsugan as I avoided hits from him. When we were at a distance again, the second tried to slash me with the flying hashirin trick but I somersault to dodge it. Still got a tiny cut but it was healed almost immediately by the seal.

"Tenketsugan? How? Isn't it the dojutsu of the Akame clan?" My granduncle questioned. I hummed and nodded while sending wood to fight with grandpa. "Yeah, my mother was an Akame. That's why I have it." 

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