|62| End of the Beginning

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Third POV

Kiyoshi fell for a solid minute. When she landed, her entire body rattled. If it had not been for the thick chakra concentration she layered herself with, she would have been squashed to death.

Death. How long has it been since there was an actual close-to-death call she had with no one around?

Shaking and panting, Kiyoshi brought herself to her knees. Blinking, she tried to clear the haze her eyes held. It's okay, I can heal and do this. I can go back to where Naruto and--

"Oh? You're alive? Heh, Kabuto was right, you are hard to kill!" 

"Hah, no one's around to protect you now though. This is gonna be fun."

Her blood ran cold. Looking behind her, she saw two guys. Both of them were muscular and way taller than her. Both held a sinister smile on their face.

"I am not your opponent. It is the twins." 

They looked like twins alright. Kiyoshi felt uneasy, these two were stronger than any of Orochimaru's henchmen till now. She could tell from their chakra. 

She backed away. "The fuck do you guys want?" She clearly has no interest in knowing but this question might buy her time to regain her senses.

 One of them answered, "Let me tell you a story princess. You see, Orochimaru-sama wants to be immortal and destroy Konoha. He was so sure that he would obtain Sasuke's body in the Chunin exam itself. Destroy Konoha then and there. But do you know what stood in the way?"

The second continued, "You, among others but oh, you! Orochimaru-sama can't possibly try to kill you himself and have multiple shinobi hunting him down. Plus, you're just about the third person to have obtained wood-style all on your own, we have a reason to suspect you have some concentration of Hashirama cells in your body. Not to mention those freaky eyes. He's never been able to find where the Akame clan resides, so he couldn't get near them."

The first one smirked, "But now after we kill you, we can pluck out your eyes and take as much blood as your body has to offer to him! Then, he'll make us stronger too! Yay for us!"

Kiyoshi's breath hitched hearing them. So that was Orochimaru's plan all along! That's why he never aimed to kill her.

They started walking towards her. Kiyoshi mustered up her strength and got onto her hands to do a spin kick and kick the dudes away. It worked, they were sent back. She tried to run away but

Her hair was harshly pulled back by one of them. His hand fisted around her ponytail tightly as he brought her closer to his face. "Now, now princess. Running away from us? How sad, and here I was starting to like you." Just as he finished his sentence, he punched her harshly in the gut.

Had she not trained with Tsunade, she would have thrown up.

The other twin went and grabbed her by her neck and swung her like a ragdoll before throwing her. She slammed into a tree trunk.

Fuck, fuck, fuck! And we just got started damn it!

One of them rushed to her to aim a punch to her face but before it could land, Kiyoshi disappeared. "What the hell? Where is she, Oshiro?" He asked his brother.

"Dunno, Kichiro. But, she's not too far, I can still sense her chakra nearby. Must be hiding from us."

"Oh? Are we in a cat-and-mouse game, then?" Kichiro smirked. Oshiro gave a more sinister version of that smirk, "Seems like our royal highness is feeling playful today." 

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