|33| Squirming Sand, Dancing Leaf

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Uchiha was nowhere to be found and the people were getting impatient. Including me. 

"Where the hell are they!?"

And Naruto.

"Alright, the time limit has expired. So I'm officially calling this match-"

Leaves swirled next to the proctor and I identified two chakra signatures. After the wind died there stood, Sensei and Sasuke, back to back.

. . .Sasuke seriously needs a haircut. He was dressed in all back. Who's funeral you going to?

"Sorry we're late, you wouldn't believe the traffic." Another lame excuse.

Naruto jumped down with Shikamaru and I following behind. Naruto went to talk to Sasuke while I . . .

"You idiot!" I was totally not whining and hitting sensei on his chest. "You missed my match!! How could you!?"

"Ma, ma, I saw, don't worry. Good job Hime. You've mastered the body-flicker quite well." He patted my head in a calming way and that did just the trick. I grinned up at him. 

"You're still a loser." I heard Sasuke say to Naruto. Although it was an insult, Naruto wasn't fuming at him or yelling 'Teme'.

"Aw, getting along now eh, boys?" I hand my hands folded behind my back as I sent them a slightly teasing smile. Sasuke huffed and turned to look at me with a smirk.

"Congrats, you managed to not kill anybody or destroy the whole area." He gave me a little mock applause. I tilted my head a bit and smiled. "Why thank you!-" I brought my hand and placed it on my chest-"That achievement is truly worth celebrating for, cocky sir." 

He scoffed but his smirk was still present. I blinked and then noticed. . .

"Boy, did you grow?" He no longer reached my jaw, his head now came right under my nose. 


"Sorry if we kept you waiting but, uh, Sasuke's not disqualified or anything right?" Sensei sheepishly asked.

The proctor looked at him and smirked. "Like master like pupil, even your lousy sense of time." I snorted.

"Well you were so late we had to extend the deadline twice. No, he's not disqualified."

Sensei sighed in relief. Sasuke then started glaring at Gaara and the latter glared back.

"Alright, race you guys to the stands!" I said and body-flickered to where Sakura was.

"Wha- that's not fair 'ttebayo!" I heard Naruto's distant yell as he dragged Shikamaru to the stairs.

I snickered and walked down. Sakura noticed me and stood from her seat. "Kiyoshi, Congrats! You showed that twig shannaro!"

I smiled at her. "Thanks," Then smirked. "It's your precious Uchiha-Kun's match now." She blushed a bit and turned her head away so fast I thought she got whiplashed. 

"Sh-shut up!" I bit my lip to stop the laugh bubbling inside of me. Ever since the exams, Sakura has become more sincere. I like that.

"Oh! By the way Ino, Sakura! 5,000 yen Naruto and Hinata end up together." Ino's interest was piped. She's a hardcore shipper.

"Oh~ I'll take that!" She shook my hand in agreement. 

Kakashi-sensei came in a poof next to me. Then, Gai sensei and Lee came up to us as well. Lee was still in clutches. 

I looked away. The guilt was already present there, I had no intention of doubling it. It's not my fault. I couldn't have done anything. It's not my fault.

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