|31| Shadow and Wind

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As I was walking down the infirmary, I saw the head of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Hiashi walkout. He noticed me and turned to face me. I bowed slightly. After hearing Neji's story, I don't have much respect for him but I don't want to get on his bad side either.

"Hyuga-san." I greeted. He nodded and bowed slightly as well. "Senju-san. I give you my thanks for treating Hinata. I suppose my eldest is your friend. However, I don't see how someone like you can be friends with someone so weak like her." He simply said and walked away. 

It took all in me to not bitch-slap him across the face. Why are all clan heads and elders assholes? Why can't they be more like Shikaku-san or Inochi-san? Those two are very nice.

I gave a heavy sigh and walked into the room. I saw Neji looking out the window with a gentle smile- He can smile!?- on his face, a scroll in his hands. He looked . . .at peace for some reason.

"Little Neji staring out the window~ Looking at the birds~ " I sang, leaning against the door frame, gaining his attention. This time, he did not look at me with annoyance. For some reason, I was glad he didn't.

"What are you doing?"

I shrugged. "Dunno. Had to catch your attention somehow." He let out an amused huff. I walked up to him and sat in front of his bed, pulling out a chair. I placed my hand on his chest, making him go stiff. A soft green glow emitted from my hand and Neji slightly relaxed.

"Hm, I think I have a medic curse. I'm always stuck healing you guys." I placed a hand under my chin, in deep thought.  He chuckled. He can chuckle!?  Naruto, your Talk no Jutsu is really powerful.

"Ah." We sat in comfortable silence for a moment before he spoke up. "Kiyoshi, I'm sorry for the way I acted with you before. What Naruto said, made me realize that I don't want to wallow in self-pity anymore." 

He sounded so. . . so sincere. His head was cast downwards so I couldn't see his facial expression but he was serious about the apology.

"Well, I can forgive you if you tell me what hair products you use! and I'm sorry too. I noticed you were hurting but I didn't do anything about it." He shook his head and lifted it to face me. "It's not your fault. . . and Kiyoshi, thank you."

This made me confused. "For what?"

"Thank you for worrying about me." I blinked. What. The. Hell? Huh!? Since when did he become so jerk-less!? That's not a word but you know what I mean!!

"Well, that's what friends do!" I flashed him a closed-eyed smile. An announcement was heard from outside, it was kinda muffled but I made out what it said. It was time for the next match.

I stood from the chair and faced him. "Ah, I have to go now," he nodded. After hesitating a bit I bent down to push his hair out of his face and press my lips on his forehead. Neji stilled. I pulled away and gave him another smile. "You take care, see ya."  

I turned on my heel and walked out of the room, fast. The last reaction of his I saw was him just staring at me with wide eyes. 

I walked back to the observation deck, spotting Naruto and Shikamaru easily. Naruto, seeing me grinned and went in for a hug, which I returned. I, somehow, have made Naruto crave my hugs. Not surprising really, the poor baby is already touch starved.

After pulling away I ruffled his hair. "You did so well! Man, my little boy is getting stronger day by day." I sniffed and wiped a fake tear away. Naruto laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, your 'words of encouragement ' really pushed me so, thank you dattebayo!"

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